
Front-end prototype for a standardized testing website.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • Firebase setup (needs to be updated)
  • Authentication
  • Database: Retrieve and push data

Getting Started

  • Create your Firebase Project in http://console.firebase.google.com.
  • Copy config in dashboard's Web Setup and paste to firebase.js.
  • Clone project and install dependencies.
> git clone 
> cd standardizedAI
> yarn


See Firebase Authentication docs. firebase.auth()

Sign-In method is using GoogleAuthProvider with a pop-up window. When ComponentDidMount was called, auth.onAuthStateChanged will listen to current auth user state. When the user is logged-in, user state in the component will set.


See Firebase Authentication docs. firebase.database()

Initially created an object guides as our first collection to push our data. The guidesRef is the database reference for the guides object in firebase. Pushing the new data will also add the current User id, who created the data.

Deployment process with firebase

  1. Install Firebase Tools globally. (You may need sudo here)
> yarn global add firebase-tools
  1. Login to firebase using this tool in CLI
> firebase login
  1. CD to your working project and initialize firebase.
> cd standardizedAI
> firebase init
  1. Configure firebase:
  • Allow CLI features for Database, Functions, Hosting.
  • Select your Firebase project to be used.
  • Accept default rules to write on default file database.rules.json
  • Install dependencies.
  • Choose a build name directory since we build our app.
  • Select Yes for configuring single app page. This is suitable also when app is using react-router.
  • Firebase initialization complete!
  1. Then we will build our app.
> yarn build
  1. Deploy!
> firebase deploy

Access your running application to the given Hosting URL.


  • Make sure to rebuild your app if you made changes and want to deploy again.
  • If you only edited the firebase-generated folder functions/**, you can just deploy by running firebase deploy --only functions.