Program | Name |
🎨 Color Scheme | Catpppuccin |
🚀 Window Manager | Bspwm |
🚧 Bar | Polybar |
🖊️ Text Editor | Neovim |
🐚 Shell | zsh |
⌨️ Terminal | Alacritty |
📄 Document Viewer | Zathura |
⌛ Compositor | Picom |
(to get memory usage)diskusage
(to get disk usage)network
(to get the current network speed in %)sblt
(to get the status of bluetooth)
(to listen to Quran recitation of diff Qaris in dmenu)blt-connect
(to connect to paired blutooth devices)wifi
(to connect to an existing WiFi AP)wifin
(to connect to a new wifi AP)
(to listen to Quran recitation of diff Qaris using rofi)emojirofi
(to copy emojis)killerrofi
(to kill running programs)kturofi
(to fetch notifications from KTU using (ktunotifications))opdrofi
(to connect to paired blutooth devices)wifirofi
(to connect to an existing WiFi AP)
(to display the connected blutooth device)emojifzf
(to copy emoji from terminal using fzf)killer
(to kill a program)powermenu
(rofi scipt to reboot and shutdown)curler
(upload files toTHE NULL POINTER
and copy the link to the clipboard`
LukeSmith for voidrice!