code-server fails to start - downgrading to 4.7.0 fixes the issue
beetlezap opened this issue · 4 comments
beetlezap commented
Expected Behavior
Docker container should start
Current Behavior
Seems to fail on node.js
Steps to Reproduce
- Start with docker compose or automatic
- Log output:
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User uid: 1000
User gid: 1000
setting up sudo access
setting sudo password using SUDO_PASSWORD env var
New password: Retype new password: passwd: password updated successfully
[custom-init] No custom files found, skipping...
/app/code-server/lib/node[144]: ../src/<long unsigned int> node::WorkerThreadsTaskRunner::DelayedTaskScheduler::Start(): Assertion `(0) == (uv_thread_create(t.get(), start_thread, this))' failed.
1: 0xb02930 node::Abort() [/app/code-server/lib/node]
2: 0xb029ae [/app/code-server/lib/node]
3: 0xb6fb4e [/app/code-server/lib/node]
4: 0xb6fc16 node::NodePlatform::NodePlatform(int, v8::TracingController*) [/app/code-server/lib/node]
5: 0xac7d3d node::InitializeOncePerProcess(int, char**, node::InitializationSettingsFlags, node::ProcessFlags::Flags) [/app/code-server/lib/node]
6: 0xac8919 node::Start(int, char**) [/app/code-server/lib/node]
7: 0x7f8bf720ad90 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/]
8: 0x7f8bf720ae40 __libc_start_main [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/]
9: 0xa3d03c [/app/code-server/lib/node]
/app/code-server/lib/node[158]: ../src/<long unsigned int> node::WorkerThreadsTaskRunner::DelayedTaskScheduler::Start(): Assertion `(0) == (uv_thread_create(t.get(), start_thread, this))' failed.
1: 0xb02930 node::Abort() [/app/code-server/lib/node]
2: 0xb029ae [/app/code-server/lib/node]
3: 0xb6fb4e [/app/code-server/lib/node]
4: 0xb6fc16 node::NodePlatform::NodePlatform(int, v8::TracingController*) [/app/code-server/lib/node]
5: 0xac7d3d node::InitializeOncePerProcess(int, char**, node::InitializationSettingsFlags, node::ProcessFlags::Flags) [/app/code-server/lib/node]
6: 0xac8919 node::Start(int, char**) [/app/code-server/lib/node]
7: 0x7f51e2418d90 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/]
8: 0x7f51e2418e40 __libc_start_main [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/]
9: 0xa3d03c [/app/code-server/lib/node]
/app/code-server/lib/node[172]: ../src/<long unsigned int> node::WorkerThreadsTaskRunner::DelayedTaskScheduler::Start(): Assertion `(0) == (uv_thread_create(t.get(), start_thread, this))' failed.
1: 0xb02930 node::Abort() [/app/code-server/lib/node]
2: 0xb029ae [/app/code-server/lib/node]
3: 0xb6fb4e [/app/code-server/lib/node]
4: 0xb6fc16 node::NodePlatform::NodePlatform(int, v8::TracingController*) [/app/code-server/lib/node]
5: 0xac7d3d node::InitializeOncePerProcess(int, char**, node::InitializationSettingsFlags, node::ProcessFlags::Flags) [/app/code-server/lib/node]
6: 0xac8919 node::Start(int, char**) [/app/code-server/lib/node]
7: 0x7f774a320d90 [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/]
8: 0x7f774a320e40 __libc_start_main [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/]
9: 0xa3d03c [/app/code-server/lib/node]
**OS: ** Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
CPU architecture: x86_64
How docker service was installed: docker-compose
Command used to create docker container (run/create/compose/screenshot)
container_name: code-server
hostname: code-server
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- TZ=Europe/Amsterdam
- PASSWORD=<removed> #optional
# - HASHED_PASSWORD= #optional
- SUDO_PASSWORD=<removed> #optional
# - SUDO_PASSWORD_HASH= #optional
# - #optional
- /opt/appdata/codeserver/config:/config
- /opt:/opt
- 8444:8443
restart: unless-stopped
- "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true"
Docker logs
See above
github-actions commented
beetlezap commented
I downgraded to 4.7.0 and then everything works again
marcel255 commented
Hello, I had the same problem. A downgrade to 4.7.0 also fixed the error for me.
I then updated docker to version 20.10.11 and now it also works with version 4.7.1
beetlezap commented
Thanks a million ! Ubuntu official repos was on Docker version 18.09.0. Did a manual install and now on Docker 20.10.18. Seems to have fixed the issue.