- 3
[BUG] Permission Denied When Creating .git Folder
#187 opened by royaltongue - 4
update baseimage
#180 opened by Badlee2020 - 4
[BUG] Container refuses connection on defined port and log shows "error --cert-key requires a value"
#186 opened by awits - 3
[FEAT] Bind to IPv6 Address as well
#178 opened by miyurusankalpa - 5
- 3
[FEAT] docker compose disable telemetry parameter
#182 opened by LECOQQ - 5
- 3
[BUG] Sudo password not being set using env vars
#168 opened by tholeb - 7
[BUG] Random refreshing folder from code-server
#167 opened by Neyos1997 - 2
[BUG] No network environment usage error reported
#177 opened by GhostCaiX - 5
[BUG] Turn on Cloud Changes Error
#159 opened by shubhankartrivedi - 8
[BUG] Github Copilot
#165 opened by FuckingToasters - 2
- 1
[FEAT] <Docker works but can't install extension with `EMFILE: EMFILE: too many open files, rename ` when deployed to Google Cloud Run with gcsfuse as persistent volume>
#175 opened by zhh210 - 2
[FEAT] Preinstall packages from docker-compose
#174 opened by phyesix - 5
use another marketplace
#162 opened by krodelabestiole - 4
- 2
[FEAT] Tracking of User Logins
#172 opened by basrihsn - 2
- 4
Cannot find conda
#160 opened by stevenbaert - 3
[BUG] Environment PROXY_DOMAIN not working well
#155 opened by afdhal395 - 9
Cannot save API keys or passwords
#157 opened by dlemmort - 10
- 2
[BUG] Selecting Python Interpreter
#164 opened by FuckingToasters - 3
- 2
- 6
[FEAT] Remove password login
#154 opened by 825i - 6
[BUG] latest version fail to start
#158 opened by jfparis - 4
- 3
- 4
[BUG] Blank page after login
#153 opened by stisko - 3
[BUG] Hidden files in .ssh prevent start
#151 opened by jhenkens - 3
- 7
websocket 1006 error
#149 opened by danktankk - 11
Error message and unable to access the terminal
#143 opened by poundflag - 11
Custom scripts in code-server not being run
#130 opened by Destom - 8
[BUG] Error: websocket close with status 1006
#145 opened by Herbs851 - 5
cant install compilers from vscode
#142 opened by zerocoolMT - 8
web server not initializing when deploying container
#141 opened by woreibi - 2
[BUG] Problem with Traefik reverse proxy
#152 opened by tiberio87 - 5
- 8
- 2
[FEAT] Update to latest VSCode version?
#148 opened by xlorepdarkhelm - 3
[BUG] --install-extension not work
#140 opened by huang12zheng - 3
[FEAT] Rust module for code-server
#138 opened by Trevo525 - 4
[BUG] “Add to home” does not create a PWA
#137 opened by iloveicedgreentea - 6
Unable to open jupyter notebooks files (ipynb)
#134 opened by Marceau-h - 2
Capability to enable debug log
#133 opened by JeanRessouche - 3
- 4