
A Roam Research theme for screenwriters.

Primary LanguageCSS

Roam Screenwriter

What is Roam Research?

  • Roam Research is a a modern note-taking application that lets you connect your thoughts and ideas easily.
  • Instead of worrying about links and folders, you write words in [[square brakets]] to make them link to other pages.
  • You can easily see where every page has been mentioned with automating backlinks.

What is special about writing screenplays in Roam?

  • Characters names, locations, and anything else can be linked and backlinked everywhere.
  • You can pair this with daily notes, which link back to actual blocks in the screenplay.
  • You can reorder scenes and blocks easily.

What is Roam Screenwriter?

  • It's a theme that styles Roam Research to make screenplays will actually look like screenplays, while you type them.
  • It's made with actual screenwriters and storytelling needs in mind.
  • It's made by Fabrizio Rinaldi, say hi or give feedback on Twitter.
  • It loads a CSS file and some lines of Javascript in Roam to format all pages containing [screenplay] or [script] in their title as screenplays

Here's Roam Research before applying this theme:

Here it is with the theme applied:

It even adds Dark Mode support:

Install this theme

This looks cumbersome but it takes a minute.

Add the CSS

  • Inside Roam Research, create a page named exactly roam/css

  • Create a [[Roam Screenwriter]] bullet point.

  • Create a child code block inside it (you can write three backticks to create it: ```) and change it to css

  • Paste this in the code block @import url("https://linuz90.github.io/roam-screenwriter/main.css");

Add the JS

  • Now type this inside any page (I used a "Scripts" page): {{[[roam/js]]}}

  • Click on the red "I know what I'm doing" button and add a child code block inside, like on step 3 but set it to javascript

  • Paste this code inside it: import("https://linuz90.github.io/roam-screenwriter/script.js")

Bonus: I recommend having the font Courier Prime installed to use this theme.

End result

Finally, here it is in action:

How to use it

Add [screenplay] or [script] to any page title, and it will be formatted as a screenplay.

The formatting is completely based on indentation.

Indeed, just press Tab and Shift + Tab to cycle through these block types:

  • Scene (heading)
  • Description
  • Character (speaking)
  • Dialogue
  • Parenthetical

The order you see here corresponds to the indentation of the block, so unfortunately there’s a downside: to insert a block you can’t have “gaps” in the indentation.

Example: you can’t currently add a Character block directly under a Scene heading. You’ll need a Description block in between (which you can leave empty).


To create this theme I'm using the SCSS syntax. This file is compiled into a regular CSS file used for the theme.

Please note that this theme imports my other theme Better Roam Research and uses it as a base. This is important also because I use a few variables here defined in the other theme.

To edit the theme, install Ruby Sass (it's not maintained anymore, will use something else in the future).

Then compile the SASS using this command:

sass --sourcemap=none --no-cache --watch ./main.scss:./main.css