
Primary LanguageLuaCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0


Linventif PreMade is a premade for addon, script, weapon, entity, etc. for Garry's Mod.


  • Premade of addon

  • Premade of weapon

  • Premade of entity



  1. Install all the requirements.
  2. Download the zip file frome the code button (is green).
  3. Extract files.
  4. Move the folder to your addons folder.

To verify that the installation was successful, you can open the developer console and type linventif_monitor a derma panel should appear. If it doesn't, you need to install the requirements. In this panel, you can see all of the linventif's creation that you have installed and the version of each one. If you don't see the addon, make sure that you have correctly installed it. If you still have a problem, you can contact me on discord : https://linventif.fr/discord

Configuration & Language

To configure the addon, you can edit the sh_config.lua file.

To add a language, you can edit the sh_langs.lua file.

Support & Discord

Need Help ? Join my discord and create a ticket in the #support channel.



This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
