
Science Hack Day 2018 in Tog Hackerspace - foxie project

Primary LanguagePython

Science Hack Day Dublin 2018

A 36 hr hardware and software hackathon. A social event with creativity and love of science and technology at its heart. A get together for designers, scientists, coders, engineers and makers to simply to make interesting things. Sat, 21 Apr 2018, & Sun, 22 Apr 2018.


  • Lin Zhang
  • Mihai Criveti
  • Shailesh Wadhwaa
  • Zhenbang Xiao
  • Ruiqi Li


  • Raspberry Pi - IoT and Cognitive Platform with Python Flask, Firebase, Requests, Django and Bokeh


  • TOG Hackerspace Award (Rubber Duck!)


  • Python Library to retrieve sensor data from Raspberry Pi, Sensehat, etc
  • Corrected temperature readings (correlated with CPU temperature)
  • Python Camera: check your surroundings!
  • Graph reading data and predict what to wear (hat? Umbrella?)


  • JSON API and NoSQL Database for IOT
  • Graphing temperature
  • Displaying a rubber duck on the Sensehat


Sample readings:

    "corrected_temp": 22.480812700311112,
    "cpu_temp": 47.680812700311115,
    "engineers": "Lin Zhang; Mihai Criveti",
    "fqdn": "raspberrypi",
    "humidity": 42.148377092400956,
    "latitude": 53.87401140031111,
    "location": "Dublin",
    "longitude": -6.3771932,
    "pi_ver": "Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2",
    "pressure": 992.9732443409362,
    "project": "foxie",
    "sealevel": 62,
    "sensorid": 1,
    "temperature": 30.98337140850203,
    "timestamp": "2018-04-21 12:18:11.968433",
    "tz": "Etc/UTC"