
Code used in CCS 2018 paper: "Predicting Impending Exposure to Malicious Content from User Behavior"

Primary LanguagePython


This repo contains the code used for predicting impending exposure to malicious content within-session, as proposed in the paper "Predicting Impending Exposure to Malicious Content from User Behavior." Please note that this code requires you to provide your own data for training and testing, as the original data used in the paper remains confidential, to protect the users' privacy.


The three main scripts that one needs to run to evaluate the system are:

  • compute-features.py: Used to compute the features used by the neural networks to perform predictions.
  • train-nn.py: Used to train the neural network.
  • test-nn.py: Used to evaluate the neural network.

Each one of the scripts receives several arguements. The descriptions of the arguements can be seen by running the scripts with the --help option.


The main dependencies are:

  • keras
  • tensorflow
  • sklearn
  • pandas
  • annoy

The last dependency, annoy, is only needed if the SMOTE/ADASYN algorithms are used during training. As mentioned in the paper, we didn't find them to be useful.


If you use our code, please cite our paper:

  author = {Mahmood Sharif and Jumpei Urakawa and Nicolas Christin
			  and Ayumu Kubota and Akira Yamada},
  title = {Predicting Impending Exposure to Malicious Content from 
  			User Behavior},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGSAC Conference on 
  				Computer and Communications Security},
  year = 2018