
A simple daemon for mount home dir to tmpfs and extract all user data there when your system is booting.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

This script i'm using on my flash drive with gentoo


  • -u — Enter users (separated by commas. Example: user1,user2,etc)
  • -d — Directory for user data files (for *.tar.xz. Default: /var/lib/u2tmpfs)
  • -U — Create/Update all *.tar.xz
  • -s — tmpfs size option (Example: 512M, 4G. Default: 512M; Warning: you can use only half of installed RAM!)
  • -o — Use the specified mount options for tmpfs (Default: "mode=755,noatime")
  • -w — Wipe user data on USER_DATA_DIR for current USER (-u user1)


1. Only init/update all users data without mounting tmpfs "mount -t tmpfs ...":

u2tmpfs -u user1,user2 -d /var/lib/u2tmpfs -U

2. Mount users home dir to tmpfs and extract all users data:

u2tmpfs -u user1,user2