goInception is a MySQL maintenance tool, which can be used to review, implement, backup, and generate SQL statements for rollback. It parses SQL syntax and returns the result of the review based on custom rules.
Documentation: [Document] [中文文档]
Quick start
Docker Image
docker pull hanchuanchuan/goinception
Source code compilation
go version 1.14+ (go mod)
git clone https://github.com/hanchuanchuan/goInception.git
cd goInception
go build -o goInception tidb-server/main.go
./goInception -config=config/config.toml
Associated SQL audit platform
- Archery
Query support (MySQL/MsSQL/Redis/PostgreSQL), MySQL optimization (SQLAdvisor|SOAR|SQLTuning), slow log management, table structure comparison, session management, Alibaba Cloud RDS management, etc.
GoInception reconstructs from the Inception which is a well-known MySQL auditing tool and uses TiDB SQL parser.
Sponsorship and support
QQ group talk: 499262190
e-mail: chuanchuanhan@gmail.com
Welcome and thank you very much for your contribution. For the process of submitting PR, please refer to CONTRIBUTING.md。
Code Contributors
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