
a tui cloner tool

Primary LanguagePython

Tool Preview

a TUI tool , This tool provides an easy access for copying files from the web or local sources into a local directory. Currently, this tool is in development, so if you find an issue, that is normal. Please report any issues you encounter. Thank you so much! Please see the data.json file for more configuration details; it is easy to read, which means you can understand it quickly without any problem. In the end, I would be happy if you could leave me feedback. This tool is under the MIT license.

Cloner Tool


Cloner is a Python application designed to facilitate the cloning of files and directores. It provides a user-friendly interface for selecting predefined items, configuring them, and copying files or directories from specified sources to destinations. With Cloner, developers can efficiently manage framework configurations and streamline the process of replicating them.


  • Framework Selection: Users can choose from a list of available framework configurations.
  • Configuration: Users can configure selected framework items, including title, description, sources, and destination.
  • Copying Process: Cloner facilitates the copying of files or directories from local sources or URLs to specified destinations based on configured framework settings.
  • Adding New Items: Users can easily add new framework configurations by providing title, description, sources, and destination information.


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/lioil987/nct
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd nct
  3. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Run the application: python main.py
  2. The application interface will be displayed, allowing users to:
    • Select framework configurations.
    • Configure selected items.
    • Copy files or directories based on configurations.
    • Add new item(files or directories) configurations.

patttern for fields

  • you see a source field you must fill it right way [["address of file or folder 1","file name of folder name 1"],["address of file or folder 2","file name of folder name 2"]] you can add how many you want
  • notice that address can be a url or path of local item in you pc !
  • and you see other field that named destinaion you must inter only a folder
  • and .. you see a title and description do you want help for it ? i think nooooo ‌:‌D

Please note that not all configurations present within the application work as expected This is normal behavior because the origin of the files is missing. These files are stored on my computer. You are welcome to add your own configurations. I left them to show how configuration is possible.

"If you have an error in the app, please confirm the correction of the config file."


  • Framework configurations are stored in a JSON file (data.json). Users can modify this file directly or use the application interface to add, edit, or delete configurations.


  • Python 3.x
  • textual
  • requests

how can i use it like a command?

  • create a shell script for run it i suggest name it "nct" (the same name of tool) i have a sample for this file
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"The path to your Python interpreter (it must have requirement of requirement.txt)" "and the path to the main.py file"
# for example if your inter python interpreter is "/opt/pApp/nct/.venv/bin/python" and path of main.py file is "/opt/pApp/nct/main.py" it sould be like
#/opt/pApp/nct/.venv/bin/python /opt/pApp/nct/main.py
  • Don't forget, you must give execution permission to the file!
  • And you're done! Enjoy using it! And please give me a star.


Contributions to Cloner are welcome! Feel free to submit bug reports, feature requests, or pull requests via GitHub.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


  • mohammadReza soltanali