
Webbased issue tracking system.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


travis-ci Dependency Status Code Climate Coverage Status


Tyne is a webbased issue tracking application with the following features:

  • Github authentication
  • Project management (public and private projects)
  • Issue tracking (includes sorting, filtering, basic workflow, etc.)
  • Basic role management
  • Agile sprint planning
  • Scrum board
  • Commenting system
  • Voting system
  • Charts (Burn Down Chart, etc.)
  • E-Mail notifications

Do you want to check the current status of the project? We have deployed a demo to http://www.tyne-tickets.org


Gem dependencies

Run the following command to install all the dependencies:

bundle install

Application configuration (e.g. OmniAuth, SMTP server)

Copy config/tyne.yml.template to config/tyne.yml and enter the required details.

You will need to register a new developer application in order to get those details. Simply go to https://github.com/settings/applications and register a new application with the following details:

Name: Tyne (localhost)
URL: http://localhost:3000
Callback URL: http://localhost:3000/auth/github/callback

Database configuration

Copy config/database.yml.template to config/database.yml and enter your database details.

Run the following command: bundle exec rake db:setup

Start the server


  • Redis


Start the server and the worker via bundle exec foreman start


Create another developer application with the correct url/callback URL as described earlier.

Tyne is configured to serve assets from a different provider (e.g. Amazon S3, Google Storage Cloud, etc.). This is done via the gem asset_sync. Please check their documentation on how to configure it.


You can run the following command to run the whole test script: script/ci

Contact us

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions at our google groups.

For general questions please use the following discussion list: tyne-talk@googlegroups.com

If you have questions to the internals of tyne or just want to propose some changes, please use the following discussion list: tyne-core@googlegroups.com


Please read our contribution-guidelines.

Note Also that this repository contains submodules so cloning is best done like so:

git clone --recursive git@github.com:tyne/tyne.git

Or if you have already cloned it, run this in your repo root:

git submodule init
git submodule update


Click here to view the changelog.



MIT License. Copyright 2012 - 2013 Tobias Haar.