
A system of three servers that illustrate simplified DNS service. Built with Python, Flask, and Docker

Primary LanguagePython

Miniature Authoritative DNS Server for Network Applications

A system of three servers that illustrate simplified DNS service.
Built with Python, Flask, and Docker

What does it do?


1. User Server (US):

  • running on port 8080
  • accepts GET HTTP requests at path
  • if any parameters are missing, US returns HTTP code 400, indicating bad request.
  • if request succeed, US returns HTTP code 200 with fibonacci number of sequence number N.
  • US need to query AS to learn IP address of FS_HOSTNAME.

2. Fibonacci Server (FS):

  • running on port 9090
  • provides Fibonacci number for a given sequence number N.
  • 2.1 Registration to AS
    • accepts a PUT HTTP request at path /register where request body contains following JSON object.
      "hostbane": "{FS_HOSTNAME}"
      "ip": "{FS_IP}"
      "as_ip": "{AS_IP}"
      "as_port": "{AS_PORT}"
    • then register it with AS via UDP on port 53533, using following DNS registration request:
    • if the registration succeed, returns a HTTP response with HTTP code 201
  • 2.2 Calculate Fibonacci Number
    • accepts GET HTTP request at path /fibonacci?number={N}, and returns Fibonacci number for sequence number N
    • if it succeed, returns HTTP code 200.
    • if N is not an integer, returns 400 indicating bad format.

3. Authoritative Server (AS)

  • accept UDP connection on port 53533 and register Type A DNS record into database.
  • respond to DNS query on port 53533. Check the following sample request and response:

Work Flow

  • Preparation:

    1. FS registers its hostname with AS
    2. AS creates a DNS record for FS and response a result indicating success or failure.
  • Main function:

    1. User (browser) visit: http://{SERVER_IP}:{PORT}/fibonacci?hostname={FS_HOSTNAME}&number={N}&as_ip={AS_IP}
    2. US parses FS_HOSTNAME from query string and then query AS for corresponding IP address
    3. AS returns corresponding IP address of FS_HOSTNAME to US
    4. US requests http://{FS_IP}/fibonacci?number={N}
    5. FS returns answer for the fibonacci number with 200 code
    6. US returns the result to user (browser).

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.


  • python, flask
  • docker


  1. clone the project to your local machine
  2. built the image of each server:
    docker build -t {user}/{server_name}:latest .
  3. create a Docker network:
    docker network create {netwrk_name}
  4. run each container:
    docker run --network {netwrk_name} --name {container_name} -p {port}:{port}/udp -it {user}/{server_name}:latest


  1. learn the IP address of containers:
    docker inspect {netwrk_name}
  2. PUT a registration request to FS
  3. change variables in test.py accordingly and run it