talking to a wall, a piecemeal natural language processing library.
- My implementation's aren't a sure thing 😄 If you encounter anything peculiar or unexpected, please raise an issue ❤️ ❤️
Determine if two words rhyme using the Double Metaphone phonetic encoding
Determine if two words rhyme using CMUdict phonetic encoding
Determine if two words alliterate using the Double Metaphone phonetic encoding
Determine if two words alliterate using CMUdict phonetic encoding
Get the CMUdict phonetic encoding of a word
Get the Double Metaphone phonetic encoding of a word (port of words/double-metahone library)
extern crate ttaw;
use ttaw;
// Initialize the CmuDict with a path to the existing serialized CMU dictionary
// or a directoy containing it. If the dictionary doesn't exisit, it will be
// downloaded and serialized at the location specified by the path parameter.
let cmudict = ttaw::cmu::CmuDict::new("cmudict.json").unwrap();
assert_eq!(Ok(true), cmudict.rhyme("far", "tar"));
assert_eq!(Ok(true), ttaw::metaphone::rhyme("far", "tar"));
assert_eq!(Ok(false), cmudict.rhyme("shopping", "cart"));
assert_eq!(Ok(false), ttaw::metaphone::rhyme("shopping", "cart"));
// Deviations in cmu and metaphone
assert_eq!(true, ttaw::metaphone::rhyme("hear", "near"));
assert_eq!(Ok(false), cmudict.rhyme("hear", "near"));
extern crate ttaw;
use ttaw;
// Initialize the CmuDict with a path to the existing serialized CMU dictionary
// or a directoy containing it. If the dictionary doesn't exisit, it will be
// downloaded and serialized at the location specified by the path parameter.
let cmudict = ttaw::cmu::CmuDict::new("cmudict.json").unwrap();
assert_eq!(Ok(true), cmudict.alliteration("bounding","bears"));
assert_eq!(true, ttaw::metaphone::alliteration("bounding","bears"));
assert_eq!(Ok(false), cmudict.alliteration("lazy", "dog"));
assert_eq!(false, ttaw::metaphone::alliteration("lazy", "dog"));
extern crate ttaw;
use ttaw;
// Initialize the CmuDict with a path to the existing serialized CMU dictionary
// or a directoy containing it. If the dictionary doesn't exisit, it will be
// downloaded and serialized at the location specified by the path parameter.
let cmudict = ttaw::cmu::CmuDict::new("cmudict.json").unwrap();
extern crate ttaw;
use ttaw;
assert_eq!(ttaw::metaphone::encoding("Arnow").primary, "ARN");
assert_eq!(ttaw::metaphone::encoding("Arnow").secondary, "ARNF");