Compile the pomdp-solve toolbox. The toolbox (./pomdp-solve-5.4) is from and is given here for convenience only.
- Follow the instructions in ./pomdp-solve-5.4/INSTALL.
- You should get in the end a pomdp-solve file. It contains the main code for solving the POMDPS.
- Copy the pomdp-solve file in the main folder.
The tiger.POMDP file describes the model (transition matrices, reward functions, observations, etc.). You can modify this file to test the influence of the model parameters on the optimal behaviour.
In matlab, call the function
results = solvePOMDP('tiger')
This script will run the pomdp-solve C code, load the solution and format it in a more readable matlab structure. If you prefer to go step by step, you can directly call the podmp-solve code by typing in your terminal:
./pomdp-solve -pomdp tiger.POMDP -o 'tiger-solution'
The toolbox produces two files containg the solution of the pomdp:
- 'tiger-solution.alpha' is the list of the alpha-vectors defining the optimal value function, as following
- '' is the optimal policy of the corresponding belief MDP. Each line indicates:
- the belief state number
- the best action for this state
- the next belief state to be reached for depending on the observation (so as many columns as possible observations)
In case you cannot run the pomd-solve code, the solution of the problem is already included in the folder.