
Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

IBM Cloud Satellite module

Use this Terraform automation to set up a Satellite location on IBM Cloud®. The module provisions the IBM Cloud Satellite location, creates 6 VSIs, assigns three hosts to the control plane, provisions a ROKS Satellite cluster, assigns three hosts to the cluster, and configures a cluster worker pool to an existing ROKS Satellite cluster.

This module is a collection of submodules that make it easier to provision Satellite resources on IBM Cloud.

  • location
  • host
  • cluster
  • configure-cluster-worker-pool


IBM Cloud Satellite helps you deploy and run applications consistently across all on-premises, edge computing, and public cloud environments from any cloud vendor. It standardizes a core set of Kubernetes, data, AI, and security services to be centrally managed as a service by IBM Cloud, with full visibility across all environments through a single pane of glass. The result is greater developer productivity and development velocity.



  • Creates Satellite location.
  • Creates 6 VSIs with RHEL 7.9.
  • Assigns the three hosts to the location control plane.
  • Conditionally creates these items:
    • Create a Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud cluster and assign the three hosts to the cluster so that you can run Red Hat OpenShift workloads in your location.
    • Configure a worker pool to an existing Red Hat OpenShift Cluster.


This module is meant for use with Terraform 0.13 or later.


  • The location submodule creates a location or uses an existing location ID or name.
  • All optional fields are set to null in the variables.tf file. You can override the values.
  • The location submodule downloads the attached host script to the home directory and appends permissions to the script. Use the modified script in the user_data attribute of VSI instance.
  • If you want to use a particular version of a module, set the argument version to the module version.


Terraform plug-ins



Be sure you have the correct Terraform version (0.13 or later), you can choose the binary here:

Terraform provider plug-ins

Be sure you have the compiled plug-ins on $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins/

Example Usage

provider "ibm" {
  region  = var.region

module "satellite-ibm" {
  source = "github.com/terraform-ibm-modules/terraform-ibm-satellite"

  is_location_exist           = var.is_location_exist
  region                      = var.region
  resource_group              = var.resource_group
  location                    = var.location
  managed_from                = var.managed_from
  location_zones              = var.location_zones
  host_labels                 = var.host_labels
  host_provider               = "ibm"
  create_cluster              = var.create_cluster
  cluster                     = var.cluster
  cluster_host_labels         = var.cluster_host_labels
  create_cluster_worker_pool  = var.create_cluster
  worker_pool_name            = var.worker_pool_name
  worker_pool_host_labels     = var.cluster_host_labels
  create_timeout              = var.create_timeout
  update_timeout              = var.update_timeout
  delete_timeout              = var.delete_timeout


Name Description Type Default Required
resource_group Resource Group Name to be targeted. string n/a yes
region The location or the region in which VM instance exists. string us-east no
location Name of the Location that to be created string n/a satellite-ibm
is_location_exist Determines if the location must be created bool false no
managed_from The IBM Cloud region to manage your Satellite location from. string wdc yes
location_zones Allocate your hosts across three zones for higher availability list ["us-east-1", "us-east-2", "us-east-3"] no
host_labels Add labels to attach host script list [env:prod] no
location_bucket Cloud Object Storage bucket name string n/a no
host_count The total number of hosts to create for control plane. Set the host_count value to a multiple of 3 (3, 6, 9, or 12 hosts) number 3 yes
addl_host_count The total number of additional host number 3 no
host_provider The cloud provider of host/vms. string ibm no
is_prefix Prefix to the Names of all VSI Resources string satellite-ibm yes
public_key Public SSH key that is used to provision Host/VSI string n/a no
location_profile Profile information of location hosts string mx2-8x64 no
cluster_profile Profile information of cluster hosts string mx2-8x64 no
create_cluster Create cluster: Disable this to prevent creating a cluster bool true no
cluster Name of the ROKS Cluster that has to be created string n/a yes
cluster_zones Allocate your hosts across these three zones set n/a yes
kube_version Kubernetes version string 4.7_openshift no
default_wp_labels Labels on the default worker pool map n/a no
workerpool_labels Labels on the worker pool map n/a no
cluster_tags List of tags for the cluster resource list n/a no
create_cluster_worker_pool Create Cluster worker pool bool false no
worker_pool_name Worker pool name string satellite-worker-pool no
workerpool_labels Labels on the worker pool map n/a no
create_timeout Timeout duration for creation string n/a no
update_timeout Timeout duration for updating string n/a no
delete_timeout Timeout duration for deletion string n/a no


Name Description
location_id Location id
host_script Host registration script content
host_ids Assigned host id's
floating_ip_ids Floating IP id's
floating_ip_addresses Floating IP addresses
vpc VPC id
default_security_group Security group name
subnets Subnets id's
cluster_id Cluster id
cluster_worker_pool_id Cluster worker pool id
worker_pool_worker_count worker count
worker_pool_zones workerpool zones

Pre-commit Hooks

  • Run the following command to execute the pre-commit hooks that are defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml file:

    pre-commit run -a`
  • You can install the pre-commit tool by running the following command:

    pip install pre-commit`

How to input variable values through a file

  • To review the plan for the configuration defined (no resources are provisioned), run the following command.

    terraform plan -var-file=./input.tfvars`
  • To execute and start building the configuration that is defined in the plan (provision resources), run the following command:

    terraform apply -var-file=./input.tfvars`
  • To destroy the VPC and all related resources, run the following command:

    terraform destroy -var-file=./input.tfvars`

All optional parameters are set to null by default in the example's variables.tf file. If you want to configure an optional parameter, override the default value.