
Dependency checker project

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


image CircleCI

Version: Pre-alpha

dep-check is a Python dependency checker. First write rules on which module can import what, then dep-check parses each source file to verify that everything is in order. You can also draw a dependency graph for your project.

Free software: MIT license

Supported languages

By default, the tool assumes it's operating on a Python project.


To install dep-check, run this command:

pip install dep-check

This is the preferred method to install dep-check, as it always installs the most recent stable release.

If you don't have pip installed, this Python installation guide can guide you through the process.

You can also see other installation methods.


Build your config file

dep_check build <ROOT_DIR> [-o config.yaml] [--lang LANG]
Argument Description Optional Default
ROOT_DIR The root directory of your project, containing you source files N/A
-o / --output The output file you want (yaml format) ✔️ dependency_config.yaml
--lang The language your project is written in ✔️ python

This command lists the imports of each module in a yaml file. Using this file, write some dependency rules on which module can import what, using wildcards.

Here is an example:


    - dep_check.models
    - dep_check.dependency_finder
    - dep_check.checker

    - dep_check.use_cases%
    - jinja2
    - yaml

    - dep_check.use_cases.interfaces

    - dep_check.use_cases.app_configuration
    - dep_check.use_cases.interfaces

    - '*'

lang: python
local_init: false
  • Write * to include any string, even an empty one
  • Using the % character after a module name (e.g. my_module%) includes this module along with its sub-modules.

Here, for instance, we tell the tool that dep_check.infra.io can import dep_check.use_cases, but also dep_check.use_cases.build, dep_check.use_cases.check and so on.

To see all the supported wildcards, check the User Manual.

Check your config

Once your config file is ready, run

dep_check check <ROOT_DIR> [-c config.yaml] [--lang LANG]
Argument Description Optional Default
ROOT_DIR The root directory of your project, containing you source files N/A
-c / --config The input file in which you wrote the dependency rules (yaml format) ✔️ dependency_config.yaml
--lang The language your project is written in ✔️ python

The command reads the configuration file, and parse every source file. It then verifies, for each file, that every import is authorized by the rules in the configuration file.

When it's done, it writes a report on the console, listing import errors by module and unused rules:


Draw a dependency graph

# You need to have graphviz installed to run this
dep_check graph <ROOT_DIR> [-o file.svg/dot] [-c config.yaml] [--lang LANG]
Argument Description Optional Default
ROOT_DIR The root directory of your project, containing you source files N/A
-o / --output The output file you want (svg or dot format) ✔️ dependency_graph.svg
-c / --config The graph configuration file, to write options that you want (yaml format) ✔️ None
--lang The language your project is written in ✔️ python

Note : if you generate a svg file, a dot file is created in /tmp/graph.dot

A lot of options are available to customize your graph (hide some modules, add layers etc.). Check the User Manual for more information.


If you want to make a contribution, be sure to follow the Contribution guide.


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template

Authors & contributors

Check out all the Authors and contributors of this project.