
This is a full Stack Todo List App, which uses Flask as Backend and SQLite as database, and SQLAlchemy as ORM (Object Relation Mapper) Tool. The UI is designed using Bootstrap 5 and Jinja2.

Primary LanguageHTML

Todo List App Using Flask

Python 3.6 MyTodo

A real time deployed web app using which you can manage your todos. You can view all your todos, create new todos, delete them when they are completed and also can update them if needed. Plesae ⭐ this repository if you found it useful. The UI is pathetic though 😂

Technologies Used :

  • Python
  • Flask
  • HTML
  • Jinja (Template Engine)
  • SQLite (For storing our todos)
  • SQLAlchemy (Object Relation Mapper or ORM Tool)

Installation :

A good practice to start with a new project and use it, is to make a virtual enviornment for the particular project. Here is the steps for making virtual enviornment ::

  1. pip install virtualenv
  2. python -m virtualenv myenv

Install the dependencies of the App ::

Run commands on python terminal or anaconda terimial or any terminal you are using in your system.

  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Test :

  • Run python app.py.
  • A localhost Url will be look like this
  • Go to this Url.
  • Perform CRUD Operation on the app

Hope you like this project !!!