Running the project

npm install
npm run dev

dev server will be available at http://localhost:5000


  • Styling with styled-components using both the styled function and the css prop.
    • The css prop allows you to write 'inline styles' that get transpiled into styled function calls and so are just as performant but allows you to easily collocate styles.
  • @testing-library/react allows testing of the application through 'user like' behaviours such as searching for text or labels and interacting the way a user would (clicks/typing).
  • @material-ui/core

Folder structure

  • src/components contains app specific components
  • src/lib/components contains reusable generic components that are not app specific
  • src/lib/utils contains reusable generic utility functions
  • src/testing contains testing helpers, including a wrapped version of @testing-library/react and mock data generators
  • src/services contains app specific services. Only contains the mock api for now but would contain other services like analytics, persistent storage features, etc...
  • src/styles defines generic global utility classes
  • src/theme.tsx contains global theme constants
  • src/types contains global typescript types