
Generate a podcast RSS feed from your Pinboard bookmarks

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


The config.py contains your Pinboard API token, so it can grab the recent posts. Use limit_tags to filter certain tags

  1. Visit https://pinboard.in/settings/password to get your API token
  2. Create file config.py (see config.py.example) with api_token and limit_tags
    api_token = "jsmith:9ABC8DEF7GHI6JKL5MNO"
    limit_tags = ["mp3"]
    output = "pinduff.rss"


Dependencies are feedgen and pinboard. See pip-requirements.txt

  1. To install dependencies: pip install -r pip-requirements.txt
  2. Run: python pbpodcast.py

Now upload your rss file (default is pinduff.rss) where you want it. For example:

rsync -avzue ssh pinduff.rss myserver:/srv/www/mysite/