Letswork Timesheet Autofil

This project is designed to automate the process of filling out timesheets using Selenium and PyAutoGUI. It simplifies the routine task of time entry, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.

Table of Contents


To install the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/letswork_autofil.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd letswork_autofil
  3. Install the project dependencies using pipenv:

    pipenv install
  4. Create a .env file in the project root directory and add your username and password:


    Now the environment is ready!

    Note: Make sure to replace your-username and your-password with your actual credentials.


The script provides the following commands to manage the autofill process:

  • To fill the timesheet for a specified date range:

    python main.py -s <start-date> -e <end-date>
    python main.py --start-date <start-date> --end-date <end-date>
  • To fill the timesheet for the current day:

    python main.py --today
  • To view help for command usage:

    python main.py --help

Example scripts in Pipfile:

  • gap: Fill timesheet for a given date range

    pipenv run gap -s <start-date> -e <end-date>
    pipenv run gap --start-date <start-date> --end-date <end-date>
  • today: Fill timesheet for today

    pipenv run today
  • help: Display help

    pipenv run help


  • Automated Timesheet Filling: Automatically fills timesheets for specified dates.
  • Custom Date Ranges: Ability to specify start and end dates for timesheet filling.
  • Immediate Fill Option: Option to fill the timesheet immediately for the current day.


Contributions are welcomed from everyone! If you have suggestions on how to improve this project, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.