
Github API Test Task

Primary LanguagePHP

GitHub User History

This app created to track the history of commits per user on daily basis.

To be able to use the app you need to create GitHub Personal Access Token: https://github.com/settings/tokens and add it to .env


To be able to retrieve data about repo and user you need to grant permission to repo and user.

API Documentation


Technical Solution

As github has limitations on API calls, I decided to sync commits on daily basis, by querying past day commits and saving them under respective author inside our database. That will prevent limit exceeding, as we will not be forced to query to GitHub API every time we need to retrieve the data.

How to run the code

First, copy .env.example to .env

Create Database Table, ex. github_api and add DB Creds to .env


Run php artisan migrate to fill db tables

How to fill Github Data

Run php artisan sync:github

This command will fill the user Organizations, Repos and Repo Authors into the DB

To fill the information about commits you need to run php artisan sync:commits

sync:commits command will run scheduled every day and will update past day information in the table.

To run scheduler you need to set up cron job.

Read moe in Laravel Running The Scheduler Official Doc. https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/scheduling#running-the-scheduler

To run organizations, repos, authors syncing separately you can use following commands

php artisan sync:organizations
php artisan sync:repos
php artisan sync:authors

What I would do if I have more time

  1. I would create ability to set time range for getting commits for author.
  2. Ability to set time range for sync:commits command to make the command more dynamic.
  3. Ability to sync commits any time via api call