Project Title

This is a sample kubernetes files for Django Application deployment



To deploy this project, run this command

  kubectl apply -f db/
  kubectl apply -f app/
  kubectl apply -f nginx/ 

To verify status of running pods, run this command

   kubectl get pods -n django-on-k8s -w 

To get the list of running pods, run this command

kubectl get pods -n django-on-k8s 

To get inside the container shell, run:

kubectl exec -it <POD_NAME> -n django-on-k8s -- sh

Then, run:

python createsuperuser



🚀 About Me

I'm a Software Engineer and Tech Enthousiast ...

Tech Stack

Client: Bootstrap 5, HTML5, CSS3

Server: Python, Django 5

Database: PostgresSQL

Reverse Proxy: Nginx