
Try to implement the best infinite scroll system for Vibe!

Primary LanguageC++


A new Flutter project skeleton.

Your Task: Build an infinite scroll widget that accepts data from 3+ asynchronous sources*, using RxDart. The items in the scroll list can just be text - no images/files required.

  1. clone repo
  2. make changes (because the current inf scroll code doesn't really work on Chrome/Desktop, and please make it work)
  3. Feel free to change all the code in main.dart, to whatever you see fit
  4. create a PR on a branch to our repo - or push to your personal repo (the main branch here is protected on GH)
  5. it should run with flutter run -d chrome or flutter run -d mac
  6. feel free to use chatgpt (etc) to generate code, but bring some custom solutions too, there are lot of cool features to add to infinite scroll, including search/filter
  7. ideally pre-fetch new items + discard old items (outside the viewport) from memory
  8. remember that the feed should have some ranking/sorting way that is somewhat predictable so items aren't arbitrarily re-ordered
  9. and - you can mock all the i/o - no need for any backend services
  10. demo your app to us


*Some example data sources:

  • memory
  • local-storage (hive)
  • interval (simulate polling)
  • websocket (simulate a websocket connection using a mock library)


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