
A simple auto-complete component with onOpen, onClose, and onSelect callbacks



###How to use it:

  <Autocomplete options={..} onOpen={..} onClose={..} onSelect={..} caseSensitive={} maxOptions={}  />


Name Description
options array of values that will be used for the autocomplete
onOpen callback function that will be called when the list of options opens
onClose callback function that will be called when the list of options closes
onSelect callback function that will be called when an option is selected, the value is passed as the first parameter to the function
inputStyle overrides the default style for the input
optionStyle overrides the default style for the options
optionsContainerStyle overrides the default style for the options container
selectedStyle overrides the default style for the selected option
caseSensitive (default true) determines if the filtering will be case sensitive
maxOptions determines how many options will be showed to the user


25-02-2016 Release version 1.1.0

18-01-2016 Release version 1.1.0

21-12-2015 Release version 1.0.0


Any pull-request is more than welcome 💥 😄



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