
UI base component library template - if you want to build ui component library - just clone this template

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Template for UI component library in React

Easy and fast base library for ui components, If you want to build UI lib for your company or project - all you have to do is to clone the project and create your own ui component library!


  • Dev Env in express / storybook react as dev env & doc.
  • Tests ENV in Enzyme & mocha & growl suport.
  • CI integratoin.
  • Easy webpack configuration structure (see webpack per env files and webpack folder).
  • HMR with webpack and react hot loader.

How to start? / create your first UI component library?

  1. Clone the project locally.
  2. Pick a name for your UI component library.
  3. Run Yarn install (or just yarn).
  4. search within the code for <your_lib_name> and replace it with your library name.
  5. Run Yarn start - this will be our development mode.
  6. Craete a folder inside src (or duplicate one of the folders).
  7. Go to http://localhost:5566/dev/ComponentName (change ComponentName to your new component).

or you can use react storybook dev env: run yarn storybook and go to http://localhost:6006/.

How to develop new component?

  1. First clone the project locally.
  2. Run Yarn Install (or just yarn).
  3. Run Yarn start - this will be our development mode.
  4. Craete a folder inside src (or duplicate one of the folders).
  5. Go to http://localhost:5566/dev/ComponentName (change ComponentName to your new component).

How to install it in your project?

  1. Install with npm install <your_lib_name> --save.
  2. Import to your "js" file: import { Component } from '<your_lib_name>';.
  3. In your project's code, use like that: <Component/>.

How to develop a component directly into my own project/repository?

  1. Go to <your_lib_name> folder.
  2. run npm link.
  3. Go to the project where you want to use the component - and write npm link <your_lib_name>.
  4. Run yarn build:watch - now each time you change your component it should automaticlly update inside your own project. npm link creates a symlink inside your project's node_modules folder to your local <your_lib_name> library and each time you update <your_lib_name> locally you update it within the project you work on.

Npm link - read more

Npm link - for developers


  • Work with webpack 2 and tree shaking.
  • Inside index.js load the ComponentsList across all components for easy and fast access (as dropdown with a small icon on the top right).

How to install Yarn?

Install Yarn

How o Write Story

Writing Story