
A slightly modified version of Dukat that does a better job in creating externals for three.js

Primary LanguageKotlin


A slightly modified version of Dukat by JetBrains that, for the time being, works better for generating three.js external declarations.


This is meant for my personal use, but sharing for reference in case you want to jump in and modify Dukat to suit your usecase like I did.

If you simply want to start building Kotlin/JS with three.js, you can check my kotlin-three-js-starter repo

How to install

If you want to run this locally, and also easily test your changes:

./gradlew build

cd node-package/build/distrib

# Instead of re-installing every time we build, we simply create a symlink to our local npm package
npm link node-package/build/distrib

# Create a symbolic link between the executed .jar in the local npm package, and the .jar
# created when running gradle's command-line/build task
ln -s command-line/build/libs/dukat-cli.jar /node-package/build/distrib/build/runtime/dukat-cli.jar


dukat [<options>] <d.ts files>

where possible options include:

    -p  <qualifiedPackageName>      package name for the generated file (by default filename.d.ts renamed to filename.d.kt)
    -q  String                      Add a JS qualifier at the top of the generated file                       
    -m  String                      use this value as @file:JsModule annotation value whenever such annotation occurs
    -d  <path>                      destination directory for files with converted declarations (by default declarations are generated in current directory)
    -v, -version                    print version

(Note that the -q option doesn't exist in the original Dukat)

You'll need my three.js.kt repo. It's a fork of three.js with slight modifications to the d.ts files. Ideally all the fixes would have been done here. But that's the current state of things.

# Clone the three.js.kt repo
git clone https://github.com/liorgonnen/three.js.kt

# Create a folder to put the generated files in
mkdir gen

Generate the external declarations:

# In case you have previously generated files:
rm -rf gen/*

# Genetate the Kotlin externals
# -p adds a 'package three.js' declaration to each generated file
# -q adds a 'file:JsQualifier("THREE")' declaration to each generated file
# -d puts the generated files in the 'gen' folder
dukat -p three.js -q THREE -d ./gen three.js.kt/src/Three.d.ts

When copying the files to your target project, please only take .module_three.kt files: (We don't need the .module_dukat.kt files), like so:

# Modify the target folder according to your needs:
find ./gen -iname "*.module_three.kt" -exec cp {} ~/projects/kotlin-three-js-starter/threejs_kt/src/main/kotlin/three/ \;

See my kotlin-three-js-starter repo for a fully working example.