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NEON - Multi Neural Network Compression Agent

This repository is the official implementation of NEON from "Multi-objective pruning of dense neural networks using deep reinforcement learning ". https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neunet.2022.06.018

Preparing the workstation

This project is using conda as the packe manager. In order to create a new environment with the required packages you should run th following command:

conda create --name <env> --file requirements.txt

Training base networks

You should use notebook file Train Base Networks.ipynb and set up the following steps:

  1. Change PATH variable to the location of the datasets files. The main dataset folder should include a folder for each dataset (with the name of the dataset name) and csv file contains the dataset.

  2. Change the list dataset_names to include all the datasets names you wish to train.

  3. Run the notebook. This notebook will create and train 30 networks with random architecture for each dataset. The output of this script will create: 1) 30 trained networks (.pt files). 2) The dataset after the preprocessing - X_to_train.csv, Y_to_train.csv files.

Running the agent

Prepare folder structure

In order to train NEON agent on the a specific dataset and its network, you should have a folder with the dataset and networks. You should have a folder with a named OneDatasetLearning, with a subfolder named Classification. Insdie Classification folder you should include a folder for each dataset (with the dataset name). Each dataset folder should include all the .pt (trained networks) files and the dataset's X_to_train.csv, Y_to_train.csv .csv file.

Moreover, you should create another folders structure that will contain the output files from the training. You should create in the root folder a new folder named models and a sub-folder named Reinforce_One_Dataset.

Train NEON agent

You should use a2c_agent_reinforce_runner.py file to train NEON agent. In order to run this file, you should provide the hyper-parameters with the agent:

  • --dataset_name - The name of the dataset to train - string
  • --learn_new_layers_only - Whether to train only the new layer after the compression or the whole network. If you choose to train the entire network, the training time is much longer. We recommend to use this hyper-parameter with True value.
  • --split - Whether to split the networks to train and test sets. In the first time you train an agent on a new dataset folder you must use this hyper-parameter with True value. If you train another agent on the same dataset you can set this parameter to False. This process creates train_models.csv and test_models.csv files.
  • --allowed_reduction_acc - This hyper-parameters defines the “permissible” reduction in performance. We recommend to use this value with 1 or 5.
  • --can_do_more_then_one_loop - This hyper-parameter controls whether the agent can compress each layer 4 times instead of 1.

The output of this training will produce 2 files in ./models/Reinforce_One_Dataset/ with the following structure: results_Agent_[DatasetName]_new_layers_only_[hp value]_acc_reduction_[hp value][_with_loop_]_[train/test].csv. (hp = hyper parrameter).

  • DatasetName - The chosen dataset name
  • _new_layers_only_[hp value] - The chosen hyper-parameter value whether training the only the new layer.
  • acc_reduction_[hp value] - The chosen allowed reduction of the accuracy.
  • [_with_loop_] - Will be included in the file name if --can_do_more_then_one_loop is True.
  • [train/test] - Each training produces 2 files: one for the train networks and one for the test networks.

Each result file includes the new architecture of each network, the origin and new accuracy and the origin and the new parameters.

Used seed values

The used seed values are located in the a2c_agent_reinforce_runner.py file. We used seed for the pytorch and numpy libraries with seed = 0.

Paper training agent hyper parameters:

Agent with 4 iterations over each architecture:

a2c_agent_reinforce_runner.py --dataset_name=[Insert here the dataset name] --learn_new_layers_only=True --can_do_more_then_one_loop --allowed_reduction_acc=1

a2c_agent_reinforce_runner.py --dataset_name=[Insert here the dataset name] --learn_new_layers_only=True --can_do_more_then_one_loop --allowed_reduction_acc=5

a2c_agent_reinforce_runner.py --dataset_name=[Insert here the dataset name] --learn_new_layers_only=True --can_do_more_then_one_loop --allowed_reduction_acc=50

Agent with 1 iteration over each architecture:

a2c_agent_reinforce_runner.py --dataset_name=[Insert here the dataset name] --learn_new_layers_only=True --allowed_reduction_acc=1

a2c_agent_reinforce_runner.py --dataset_name=[Insert here the dataset name] --learn_new_layers_only=True --allowed_reduction_acc=5

a2c_agent_reinforce_runner.py --dataset_name=[Insert here the dataset name] --learn_new_layers_only=True --allowed_reduction_acc=50


If you found this work useful, please cite the following related article:

title = {Multi-objective pruning of dense neural networks using deep reinforcement learning},
journal = {Information Sciences},
volume = {610},
pages = {381-400},
year = {2022},
issn = {0020-0255},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2022.07.134},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0020025522008222},
author = {Lior Hirsch and Gilad Katz},
keywords = {Pruning, Deep reinforcement learning},
abstract = {Network pruning aims to reduce the inference cost of large models and enable neural architectures to run on end devices such as mobile phones. We present NEON, a novel iterative pruning approach using deep reinforcement learning (DRL). While most reinforcement learning-based pruning solutions only analyze the one network they aim to prune, we train a DRL agent on a large set of randomly-generated architectures. Therefore, our proposed solution is more generic and less prone to overfitting. To avoid the long-running times often required to train DRL models for each new dataset, we train NEON offline on multiple datasets and then apply it to additional datasets without additional training. This setup makes NEON more efficient than other DRL-based pruning methods. Additionally, we propose a novel reward function that enables users to clearly define their pruning/performance trade-off preferences. Our evaluation, conducted on a set of 28 diverse datasets, shows that the proposed method significantly outperforms recent top-performing solutions in the pruning of fully-connected networks. Specifically, our top configuration reduces the average size of the pruned architecture by ×24.59, compared to ×13.26 by the leading baseline, while actually improving accuracy by 0.5%.}