
React-Native app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Nowadays, there are quite a few non-profit organizations that aim to help the needy in diverse fields. In order for aid organizations to be able to operate and even expand the scope of their activities, they need volunteers who will be involved in the process. Some of the existing associations are not recognized enough among the residents and therefore have difficulty recruiting volunteers. In addition, there are many residents who are interested in contributing to the community and volunteering but do not know who to contact or don't know a volunteer place that suits their ability and desire where they can contribute in the best way. In our project, we developed a social app that focuses on volunteering in the cities of Be'er Sheva and Ofakim in order to effectively manage the array of volunteers and increase the number of volunteers. The app is a platform for advertising and exposing the activities of the organizations and will communicate between the residents who are interested in volunteering and the volunteer organizations and the needy through the volunteer director in the city. The app has additional options such as: uploading items for delivery, time-dependent volunteering and volunteering with the elderly and people with disabilities that require access. The app has two types of users: volunteer and volunteer manager. A volunteer can register and log-in, view all existing volunteer organizations in his city by categories, apply to volunteer in the organization of his choice, upload an item for delivery and more. A volunteer manager can log-in to the app and make real-time updates related to organizations and volunteers. The application provides a convenient and user-friendly interface, is designed for iOS and Android operating systems, and was developed in React Native in a Visual Studio Code work environment, JavaScript language and Firebase database.