

Primary LanguagePython

PasteBin crawler

The project uses SQLLiteDB. Their are generalization of the data as requested in the exercise:

  • Undefined username classified as unknown
  • Missing title classified as unknown
  • Dates are at UTC format, CDT time zone (as received from pastebin)
  • Content is stripped of trailing spaces


The code tested on:

  1. Windows 10 64 bit
  2. Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS

To install the required packages run: pip3 install -r requirements.txt --user.
Sqlite3 should be installed on the machine.


The code contains this scripts:

  • crawler.py - crawl the psatebin website.
  • parse_date.py - parse each link that received from the crawler.
  • db_service.py - insert the data that received from parsed_data to sql3lite db.
  • main.py - executes the other scripts.

To execute the project just type at the root of the project: python3 main.py