
`S3Path.glob()` doesn't work correctly starting from s3path>=0.4

Alexander-Serov opened this issue · 16 comments


I have observed an s3path bug with the glob operation in S3. Have a look at me counting the number of "output" subfolders in a specific S3 folder:

> pip install s3path~=0.3.4
Successfully installed s3path-0.3.4
> python -c "from s3path import S3Path; print(len(list(S3Path.from_uri('s3://se-cicd-tests/s3path').glob('**/output/'))))"
> pip install s3path~=0.4.0
Successfully installed packaging-23.2 s3path-0.4.2
> python -c "from s3path import S3Path; print(len(list(S3Path.from_uri('s3://se-cicd-tests/s3path').glob('**/output/'))))"
> pip install s3path~=0.5.0
Successfully installed s3path-0.5.2
> python -c "from s3path import S3Path; print(len(list(S3Path.from_uri('s3://se-cicd-tests/s3path').glob('**/output/'))))"

# And here is the folders structure I use
> pip install s3path~=0.3.4
Successfully installed s3path-0.3.4
> python -c "from s3path import S3Path; print(list(S3Path.from_uri('s3://se-cicd-tests/s3path').glob('**/output/')))"     
[S3Path('/se-cicd-tests/s3path/output'), S3Path('/se-cicd-tests/s3path/1/output'), S3Path('/se-cicd-tests/s3path/2/output'), S3Path('/se-cicd-tests/s3path/3/output')]

Do you know what this could be due to? Nothing changes other than the version of s3path I'm using. Are you able to reproduce? Could you fix the glob?

Hi @Alexander-Serov
We have a new algorithm for the glob that support faster searches
I'll start checking the bug
For now you can use the old algo configuration like this this

I merged a fix
This will be released in the next version
I'll update here when deploying

Version 0.5.3 deployed with the fix

Thanks @liormizr !

Surprisingly just upgrading to s3path==0.5.3 breaks boto3 imports for me (how strange, no?). Have a look.


python -m pytest tests/market_structure/
===================================================================== test session starts =====================================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.8.19, pytest-7.4.4, pluggy-1.4.0
Using --randomly-seed=1715445607
rootdir: git/repo/tests
configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: cov-5.0.0, pytest_freezer-0.4.8, randomly-3.15.0, recording-0.12.1
collected 18 items                                                                                                                                            

tests/market_structure/ ..................                                                                                      [100%]

===================================================================== 18 passed in 2.21s ======================================================================


pip install s3path==0.5.3
> Successfully installed s3path-0.5.3 [no other changes]
python -m pytest tests/market_structure/
=================================================================== short test summary info ===================================================================
FAILED tests/market_structure/[input_df0-expected_df0] - AttributeError: module 'boto3' has no attribute 'session'
FAILED tests/market_structure/[input_df2-expected_df2] - AttributeError: module 'boto3' has no attribute 'session'
FAILED tests/market_structure/ - AttributeError: module 'boto3' has no attribute 'session'
FAILED tests/market_structure/[mock_list_functions_paginator1-se-run-simulation-production-v2-0-1] - AttributeError: module 'boto3' has no attribute 'session'
FAILED tests/market_structure/ - AttributeError: module 'boto3' has no attribute 'session'
FAILED tests/market_structure/[mock_list_functions_paginator0-se-run-simulation-production-v2-0-1] - AttributeError: module 'boto3' has no attribute 'session'
FAILED tests/market_structure/ - AttributeError: module 'boto3' has no attribute 'session'
FAILED tests/market_structure/ - AttributeError: module 'boto3' has no attribute 'session'
FAILED tests/market_structure/[input_df1-expected_df1] - AttributeError: module 'boto3' has no attribute 'session'
FAILED tests/market_structure/[input_df0-expected_value_drivers0] - AttributeError: module 'boto3' has no attribute 'session'
FAILED tests/market_structure/[input_df1-expected_df1] - AttributeError: module 'boto3' has no attribute 'session'
FAILED tests/market_structure/[input_df0-expected_df0] - AttributeError: module 'boto3' has no attribute 'session'
FAILED tests/market_structure/[input_df1-expected_value_drivers1] - AttributeError: module 'boto3' has no attribute 'session'
ERROR tests/market_structure/ - AttributeError: module 'boto3' has no attribute 'session'
ERROR tests/market_structure/ - AttributeError: module 'boto3' has no attribute 'session'
ERROR tests/market_structure/ - AttributeError: module 'boto3' has no attribute 'session'
ERROR tests/market_structure/ - AttributeError: module 'boto3' has no attribute 'session'
ERROR tests/market_structure/ - AttributeError: module 'boto3' has no attribute 'session'
================================================================ 13 failed, 5 errors in 0.69s =================================================================

And the specific error looks like

        self._lambda_client = boto3.client("lambda", region_name=REGION)
>       self._s3_resource = boto3.session.Session().resource("s3")
E       AttributeError: module 'boto3' has no attribute 'session'

which can be fixed by replacing boto3.session.Session() with boto3.Session(), but I'm very perplexed by why would upgrading the s3path version overshadow the boto3.session module…
Does it make any sense to you?

Sorry about that
We added a feature that boto3 will be laze loaded and not be loaded for PurePath usages
This is probably related #164

Found the issue
Fix will be deployed today
PR #167

@Alexander-Serov version 0.5.5 was deployed with the fix.

@liormizr Thanks for fixing fast! I'll check when I have a moment.

Hi @liormizr, I am experiencing some weird behavior after updating to 0.5.5 with the new glob:
reproduce script:

from s3path import S3Path
p = S3Path.from_uri("replace-with-s3-uri")
s3_file = p / "some_dir" / "empty.txt"
with"w") as fp:

The script above results 2 entries of p / "some_dir"

Hi @michaelvay

I just now wrote this test:

def test_glob_issue_160_weird_behavior(s3_mock):
    from s3path import S3Path
    p = S3Path.from_uri("replace-with-s3-uri")
    s3_file = p / "some_dir" / "empty.txt"
    with"w") as fp:
    s3 = boto3.resource('s3')

    path = S3Path.from_uri("s3://my-bucket/")
    new_file = path / "some_dir" / "empty.txt"

    assert list(path.glob("*")) == [S3Path('/my-bucket/some_dir')]

The test passed properly
What am I missing? and on which python version are you running?

Hi @michaelvay

I just now wrote this test:

def test_glob_issue_160_weird_behavior(s3_mock):
    from s3path import S3Path
    p = S3Path.from_uri("replace-with-s3-uri")
    s3_file = p / "some_dir" / "empty.txt"
    with"w") as fp:
    s3 = boto3.resource('s3')

    path = S3Path.from_uri("s3://my-bucket/")
    new_file = path / "some_dir" / "empty.txt"

    assert list(path.glob("*")) == [S3Path('/my-bucket/some_dir')]

The test passed properly What am I missing? and on which python version are you running?

I am using Python 3.10.13
You are right it doesn't reproduce in the example you provided, it seems to reproduce for me only in very long prefixes. For example prefix s3://<bucket>/username/experiment-name/2024/04/11/1342/empty.txt

@michaelvay sounds like a setup issue
Maybe you have more keys in the bucket
In any case if you have something that I can reproduce I'm here..

Here is a reproduce script with minio container

Run minio:

docker run -d --name minio \
  -p 9000:9000 \
  -p 9001:9001 \
  -e MINIO_ROOT_USER=minioadmin \
  -e MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=minioadmin123 \
  minio/minio server /data
import boto3
from botocore.client import Config
from s3path import S3Path, register_configuration_parameter

endpoint_url = "http://localhost:9000"
access_key = "minioadmin"
secret_key = "minioadmin123"

minio_resource = boto3.resource(
    endpoint_url=endpoint_url ,

    bucket = "my-bucket"
    print("bucket already created")

first_dir = S3Path.from_uri(f"s3://{bucket}/first_dir/")
register_configuration_parameter(first_dir, resource=minio_resource)
new_file = first_dir / "some_dir" / "empty.txt"

second_dir = S3Path.from_uri(f"s3://{bucket}/first_dir/second_dir/")
register_configuration_parameter(second_dir, resource=minio_resource)
new_file = second_dir / "some_dir" / "empty.txt"


[S3Path('/my-bucket/first_dir/second_dir/some_dir'), S3Path('/my-bucket/first_dir/second_dir/some_dir')]

Hi @michaelvay
The issue is fix
Version: 0.5.6 Deployed

Hi @liormizr,
Thanks for the fast response and fix!

I confirm: v0.5.6 doesn't have the "boto3" import error anymore. Thanks @liormizr !