- 2
glob new algo issue: fixed-depth glob issue
#180 opened by liormizr - 0
- 2
Invalid escape sequence \Z
#174 opened by Alexander-Serov - 5
Make boto3 dependency optional/soft for cases where only PureS3Path is needed
#122 opened by echernyavskiy - 4
- 0
Add py.typed file to s3path for mypy support
#176 opened by liormizr - 7
Help with moving bandersnatch to python3.12
#172 opened by cooperlees - 3
Hitting 'botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError' moving to 0.5.5 from 0.5.0
#169 opened by cooperlees - 16
- 2
Any chance for an aios3path module in future?
#170 opened by pj-ml - 12
Do not import boto3 when using PureS3Path
#164 opened by iamthebot - 2
copy files between S3 locations using S3Path
#98 opened by lpravda - 1
Add ability to change AWS_PROFILE for Resource in between S3Path calls
#161 opened by nathanpowellcma - 1
Getting involved in the discussion on about the extensibility of pathlib
#130 opened by gabrieldemarmiesse - 4
URL Encoder runs even when unnecessary
#156 opened by bwacek - 1
- 7
Heads up: pathlib.VirtualPath may be coming soon
#140 opened by barneygale - 5
Listing s3 paths with objects exeeding 1000 items
#151 opened by nadavgut - 8
`s3path` broken in Python 3.12 due to `_PosixFlavor` no longer being available
#149 opened by iamthebot - 4
- 4
S3Path.from_uri does not respect urlencoded URIs
#150 opened by schneidemar - 3
missing a forward slash in S3Path object
#146 opened by schultzm - 6
#83 opened by MaartenUreel - 5
`Path.rename(S3Path)` doesn't work
#88 opened by four43 - 5
Remove S3DirEntry from `__all__`
#134 opened by gabrieldemarmiesse - 5
Add presigned url methods to PureS3Path
#125 opened by gabrieldemarmiesse - 10
Feature request: Support for S3 version IDs
#126 opened by nlangellier - 3
Add typing to the public interface
#128 opened by gabrieldemarmiesse - 4
Python 3.11.4 breaks `S3Path.glob`
#136 opened by nlangellier - 4
- 2
The `rmdir` method can not delete buckets
#117 opened by DerPhysikeR - 3
Resources given to `register_configuration_parameter()` are not properly registered
#123 opened by redevined - 1
glob is broken
#101 opened by avibrazil - 1
- 4
- 9
Broken in Python 3.11
#112 opened by sbrandtb - 13
- 30
Make S3Path compatile with pandas
#79 opened by furechan - 7
Cannot configure default session
#96 opened by Alexndrrr - 2
Is this repo still actively maintained?
#109 opened by nlangellier - 1
AccessDenied when closing file handle created by S3Path open('w') with serverside encryption enforced in bucket.
#100 opened by atomey - 13
Glob-related error appeared on 0.3.3
#97 opened by avibrazil - 1
Python 3.10 support is broken
#94 opened by isidentical - 3
- 2
"compression" parameter is passed to with incorrect version check
#89 opened by pd-nisse - 3
[Question/discussion] Why S3Path's smart_open usage defaults to compression='disable'?
#93 opened by Kache - 0
Is there a way to access/change content-type or meta data before uploading a file?
#90 opened by LeoQuote - 7
URLencoding breakes S3 key
#77 opened by realknorke - 3
iterdir returns an S3Path for empty directories
#80 opened by a-wang24 - 2
Support for smart-open api change version 5.0.0
#75 opened by liormizr