
Zen City's Data Driven Journey through London's bike rental data


Team Members

Lior Roytburd

Daniel Edri


In the bustling city of London, the need for a sustainable & efficient transportation system led to "Zen City", a bike rental company with a mission to promote eco-friendly commuting. Zen City accumulated vast data about bike rentals and station utilization as it expanded its operations. To gain deeper insights into their business and enhance their services, Zen City embarked on a data-driven journey, and you will take part in it.

The mission? To optimize the bicycle rental system in London and increase the number of rentals in the next quarter.

We went through various stages of analysis, from dealing with untidy data, identifying trends and seasonality, leveraging spatial analysis capabilities, to building a regression model for future prediction.

Data Description: The dataset contains the two following tables:

  • The cycle_stations_pro table provides information about each bike station's location and capacity:

  • Data Source: bigquery-public-data.london_bicycles.cycle_stations Open Data on Google BigQuery


Field name Description
id A unique identifier for each record in the dataset (for each station)
installed Indicates whether a bike station is currently installed (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
latitude The geographical latitude coordinate of the bike station's location
locked Indicates the locking status of the bike station
longitude The geographical longitude coordinate of the bike station's location
name The name or identifier of the bike station
bikes_count The number of available bikes at the bike station
docks_count The total number of docking spaces available at the bike station
nbEmptyDocks The number of empty docking spaces at the bike station
temporary Indicates whether the bike station is temporary (TRUE) or permanent (FALSE)
terminal_name The name or identifier of the terminal associated with the bike station
install_date The date on which the bike station was installed
removal_date The date on which the bike station was removed, if applicable

*These columns provide essential information about each bike station, including its location, availability, capacity, and installation details. Analyzing this data can offer insights into bike station utilization, availability trends, and spatial distribution.

  • The cycle_hire_new table contains information about each bike rental transaction.

  • Data Source: bigquery-public-data.london_bicycles.cycle_hire *filtered for Q1 2021 Open Data on Google BigQuery


Field name Description
rental_id A unique identifier for each bike rental transaction
duration The duration of the bike trip in seconds. It represents the time the bike was rented until it was returned
duration_ms The duration of the bike trip in milliseconds. This can provide more precise timing for analysis
bike_id Identifier for the bike used in the rental
bike_model The model of the bike that was rented
end_date The timestamp indicating when the bike rental ended
end_station_id The identifier of the station where the bike was returned at the end of the rental
end_station_name The name of the station where the bike was returned
start_date The timestamp indicating when the bike rental started
start_station_id The identifier of the station where the bike was rented
start_station_name The name of the station where the bike was rented
end_station_logical_terminal The logical terminal associated with the end station
start_station_logical_terminal The logical terminal associated with the start station
end_station_priority_id An identifier indicating the priority of the end station

*These columns provide essential information about each bike rental (trip), including its starting and ending stations, the star and end date’s and the duration of the rental. Analyzing this data can offer insights into bike station utilization, availability trends, and spatial distribution.


Chapter 1: Facing the Business Topic

Goal: Optimize the business for more bike rentals in Q2 2021. Q1 2021 is the business quarter number 1, starting in January & ending in March. Your data describes these months only. Q2 2021 is the next quarter - April to June 2021, included. Zen City has strategically positioned bike stations to facilitate rider accessibility. However, they recognized the need to fine-tune their station placements, and their product features for maximum efficiency. They set out to analyze rental patterns and station utilization to identify underutilized & overcrowded stations, to get the maximum of the existing business. You, as an analyst in the company, are asked to offer new ways to make Zen City more useful, increase its user base, and aim for the target of increasing the bike rentals during next quarter.

Chapter 2: Data Exploration

To tackle these challenges, you got two key tables:

  • The cycle_hire_new table contains information about each bike rental transaction.
  • The cycle_stations_pro table provides information about each bike station's location and capacity.

Suggested ways to think about the data:

  • Can you identify any temporal patterns? seasonal trends?
  • Are there any outliers or anomalies? How can you handle them?
  • What is the average distance between the start and end stations?
  • Can you identify popular bike routes?
  • Can you identify any spatial clusters of bike stations?

Chapter 3: Hypothesis and Business Questions

After viewing the data, what are the business questions and directions of analysis you’d like to perform? What kind of questions would you like to answer? What would be a valuable insight? As these questions are addressed, Zen City can refine station placements, enhance bike availability, and elevate customer experiences. By adapting their strategies based on these insights, Zen City will be well-positioned to navigate the dynamic urban mobility landscape and continue setting new benchmarks in the bike-sharing industry.

Chapter 4: Data Cleaning & Data Wrangling

Now, your goal is to get a dataset that’s ready to be analyzed. We want to make sure we’ve got all of the necessary information clean and ready for analysis. Your data cleaning will be done with a CTE. Some of the principles you’d like to take care of are:

  1. Identify missing values.
  2. Identify uncorrected data types.
  3. Identify & treat nulls.
  4. Identify & treat duplicates.
  5. Identify & treat inconsistencies.
  6. Take care of outliers.
  7. Create new columns for better analysis.
  8. Standardization.

Chapter 5: Data Analysis and Visualizations

Perform a data analysis on Zen City’s final dataset you just created. Go through the univariate analysis, complete the picture you started to draw in the exploration step. Understand the distributions and the behavior of the data. Continue with bivariate & Multivariate analysis, study the interactions & correlations of the data.

Don’t forget to add a business sense to the analysis you perform, with the goal of the project in mind. Don’t be afraid to involve domain knowledge in your way to drive the success of the bike rental service.

Chapter 6: Predictions

Zen City has collected data on bike rentals for business Quarter number 1 (Jan-March). They're interested in using this data to predict rental information. You are asked to do so, using all of the statistical knowledge you acquired so far. Prediction Question: Predict how many rentals will be made in the next month (April 2021) in “Albert Gate, Hyde Park” bike station.

Technologies Used:

  • SQL tables - hosted on Google BigQuery Link to SQL script
  • Google Sheets & Microsoft Excel
  • Econometric analysis (Linear Regression) - gretl
  • Presentation - Google Slides

The Presentation

Presentation1 Presentation2 Presentation3 Presentation4 Presentation5 Presentation6 Presentation7 Presentation8 Presentation9 Presentation10


We had a great time and learnt a lot along the way.

It was intresting working as a team and diving into the data.

Thank you for your time and attention!