GroupDocs HTML5 PDF Comparison plugin for Plone CMS

###Plugin installation steps:

When plugin is available only on GitHub (not released to PyPi) it can be installed with buildout like this:

  • Create 'groupdocs.comparison' folder under 'C:\Plone42\src' folder
  • Download files from GitHub and copy all the files into created folder.
  • Change 'buildout.cfg' file
  • Add 'groupdocs.comparison' record into 'eggs =' section
  • Add 'src/groupdocs.comparison' into 'develop =' section
  • Run buildout '.\bin\buildout.exe' from Plone installation folder(For example C:\Plone42).
  • Restart plone.
  • Go to 'Admin'->'Site' setup
  • Open Add-ons section
  • Find GroupDocs Comparison 1.0 add-on, check it and activate it.

###Using plugin:

  • Modify or create a new page
  • Click Mange Portlets link
  • Open 'Add portlet..' dropbox and choose GroupDocs Comparison portlet
  • Configure portlet's parameters and press 'Save' button
  • Open the created page - GD Viwer will be embeded into portlet region

How to get Document ID (GUID)

###Sign, Manage, Annotate, Assemble, Compare and Convert Documents with GroupDocs

  1. Sign documents online with GroupDocs Signature
  2. PDF, Word and Image Annotation with GroupDocs Annotation
  3. Online DOC, DOCX, PPT Document Comparison with GroupDocs Comparison
  4. Online Document Management with GroupDocs Dashboard
  5. Doc to PDF, Doc to Docx, PPT to PDF, and other Document Conversions with GroupDocs Viewer
  6. Online Document Automation with GroupDocs Assembly

###Created by GroupDocs Marketplace Team.