- 2
#80 opened by yingzwang - 2
[Help] English-language interface?
#81 opened by theabhinavdas - 1
- 3
[Help] 可以新增国内的一些api key吗?
#78 opened by Rancho-7 - 2
[建议] 可以设置语速调节吗?可以列出微软语音的发音列表,让用户自选喜欢的语音吗?
#50 opened by realchris007 - 3
#77 opened by billowssun - 1
[建议]通过suno-ai / bark这样的音频生成工具,提升语音输出的真实感
#24 opened by victorChou1024 - 1
[Help] 帮忙看看是否能实现的需求
#36 opened by sellength - 0
请求新增Azure TTS语言的选择 和 azure语音识别流式输出
#64 opened by ZhangChunXian - 0
请求增加支持本地离线 GGUF 格式模型
#74 opened by blickers - 1
[建议] 希望能自定义语法检查功能的prompt
#61 opened by Heithon - 1
#56 opened by wuliangtdi - 2
[Bug] AppImage文件无法运行
#72 opened by zxp19821005 - 1
#75 opened by Domineer-Long - 6
[Bug] Unexpected end of JSON input
#73 opened by heiheiheibj - 1
[Bug] A bug occurs in multiple rounds of dialogue
#70 opened by flistz - 4
[Help] 请提供适配M系列芯片的Mac平台客户端
#67 opened by LonePheasantWarrior - 1
#71 opened by beilyly - 1
#49 opened by niyeyedi110 - 1
[Help] the title of help wanted report
#69 opened by lyyancey - 4
[Help] the title of help wanted report
#68 opened by q1121253041 - 1
@wuliangtdi 之后Web端会考虑使用vercel部署,桌面端的话还是需要手动打包
#66 opened by laike - 3
[Bug] Mac版本,回复的语音会自己填到输入框中
#63 opened by Fick707 - 1
[Help] 能否把自己说的语音再次播放出来
#65 opened by wgx0307 - 2
[Bug] the title of bug report
#60 opened by zapp926 - 2
[Help] 支持第三方 Azure 服务
#59 opened by zcf0508 - 1
- 2
[功能请求] 聊天记录导出
#52 opened by goldengrape - 3
#51 opened by acodervic - 2
#53 opened by Xmaspro - 1
[Bug] 消息发送之后,输入框持续被锁定
#55 opened by TELstatic - 3
[Help] how to read your code, and contribute?
#45 opened by renqibing - 1
[合作] 这里有个合作,希望能获得联系
#47 opened by tears743 - 2
[Help] mac 客户端无法打开
#48 opened by dwqs - 2
希望能出安卓 IOS版本啊
#44 opened by ylacmilan - 2
[Help] the title of help wanted report - limited 4097 tokens of context length
#46 opened by TrampCGuo - 3
Azure key如何申请
#34 opened by KAWAKO-in-GAYHUB - 3
[Bug] (未配置语音时)收到ai回复提醒“语音合成失败”后,光标会被冻结一段时间
#43 opened by ariaxo - 1
[Help] the title of help wanted report
#42 opened by jialudev - 1
[Bug] 好像不支持换行符?
#33 opened by AndySze - 1
- 2
[Help] 建议按住空格输入语音的时候,当前正在播放的语音可以停止
#38 opened by liangyimingcom - 5
- 4
[Help] 请求语音合成失败的解决办法 1006
#39 opened by Moo7818 - 1
#30 opened by hijos - 4
[Bug] Unable to contact server
#35 opened by wyc888168 - 2
- 1
[建议] api地址
#26 opened by xiaoer666 - 1
#31 opened by AndySze - 2
[Help]送的18元套餐的API key不能用吗?
#22 opened by UIWP0