
Web app for interacting with the virtual watershed platform

Primary LanguagePython

Virtual Watershed Platform (VWP)

The virtual watershed platform will serve many purposes when it is fully operational. These include

  • Sharing and organizing datasets either produced by or useful to a watershed hydrologist using the Virtual Watershed Data Engine, powered by GSToRE
  • Running hydrological models on data that either a scientist or others others have shared
  • Connect datasets to CI-Vis's 3D immersive visualizations
  • Create or view other visualizations
  • Socialize: follow other scientists contributions

This documentation is mainly for developers, but it's also for anyone who wants to test the Virtual Watershed Platform or run a VWP locally.


Get code, start dev server

The first step is to clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/mtpain/vwplatform.git 

and grab the wcwave_adaptors submodule from the vwplatform directory

cd vwplatform && git submodule update --init

To run the web app locally for development, first start up and activate a virtual environment, then install the requirements.

virtualenv venv && source venv/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt

You will also need to add your userid (email) and password to default.conf, which you'll copy from wcwave_adaptors/default.conf.template. Be careful not to sync your personalized default.conf, since this will expose your credentials to the world.

From the root directory of the repository

cp wcwave_adaptors/default.conf.template default.conf

then edit default.conf. If you need a Virtual Watershed account, please email maturner@uidaho.edu.

Then launch the web app

$ python manage.py runserver

and view it at http://localhost:5000 in your web browser.

Initialize Databases

That's great, but if you try to create users or contribute resources, you will run into an error because no databases have been created. To do this, we use flask-migrate.

First, create a migrate directory which will read information about the databases (as represented in app/models.py)

python manage.py db init

Then, create a script in the migrate/versions directory that will handle creating the database and tables for this version of the 'upgrade'/initialization

python manage.py db migrate -m"initialize db"

The -m flag gives a migration message that is copied (spaces removed) to be part of the name of the migration script in migration/versions.

Finally, to create the database and user and resource tables,

python manage.py db upgrade

Now you can start up sqlite and check that the database and tables have been created

sqlite3 data-dev.sqlite

and in the sqlite shell

sqlite> .tables
alembic_version  resource         users

Now you can create users and resources through the app and see the results in the database

SELECT * FROM resource;


SELECT * FROM users;

This is enabled by the following lines in manage.py:

from flask.ext.migrate import Migrate, MigrateCommand
migrate = Migrate(app, db)
manager.add_command('db', MigrateCommand)


A Flask app can take many forms, but the documentation does suggest a helpful way to structure larger applications. The VW Platform follows these recommendations pretty closely. For example, our style sheets are in app/static/, our models are in app/models.py, and currently we have three Blueprint directories, app/main, app/auth, and app/share, for the main views including search, authentication and user registration, and sharing data. Our templates live in app/templates, and all non-main blueprint templates live in their own subdirectories of app/templates.

To get a better idea of how Flask lets us put all this together, check out app/init.py and manage.py. app/__init__.py contains initializations of the Flask extensions (Mail, Moment, SQLAlchemy) used in the app. It also "registers" blueprints and their prefix. Thus, when someone wants to log in the URL is /auth/login and when a user creates an account they do so at /auth/register.

The blueprints are connected to the app in the create_app in app/__init__.py. This is also where Flask extensions are connected to the app. For example, flask-login is connected and creates a login manager in the call login_manager = LoginManager(). manage.py imports and calls create_app, as well as handles different app startup procedures. In addition to runserver which was demonstrated above, there are db and shell, assigned before the if __name__ == '__main__': statement in manage.py.

Extending the VW Platform web app

Unity Visualizations

We plan on extending this app in a multitude of ways. One of the first is to integrate Chase and the CI-Vis team's immersive visualization. To do that, we'll have to add some sort of field to our metadata records that points to the location where the visualization server can be found. Currently there is only one model for data, and that is a high-level model called a Resource. Very soon we'll also have a File model, where each Resource may have multiple files, but each File belongs to only one resource. In Flask, data models are represented as classes. See app/models.py for the VW Platform models.

I'd imagine that Resource would show it's vis-enabled if at least one of its File's were. So on that front, let's start there.

Model runs

There is some interest in being able to run models and modify input data then run models through our web interface. For that we'd likely create a new blueprint, modeling let's say.

Live-streaming data

Joel at ISU is interested in integrating his streaming data as well as his service to convert georaster data to iSNOBAL inputs. We need to be thinking about how to integrate not just streaming data, but also enable researchers to publish their own web services through our platform, or if that's not appropriate, provide documentation on how to do that.