
Web programing

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Editor: Weihong, Lin

Latest modify: Mon Oct 10 8:53PM


As we know, web is very popular nowadays. It is related to our life in all respects such as solving the problems, shopping, sending emails and so on. In order to catch its steps, I begin to learn web knowledge through the web-class in SYSU. Here are some web projects realized by myself. I will be very pleasure to hear from you to guide me to a better place.And my personal infos are as follows:

Name: Weihong, Lin

College: SYSU

Email: 675176683@qq.com

blog: linwh8

##Project ###1.Recipe Effect drawing: index recipe1 recipe2

###2.Movie Effect drawing: movie

###3.Ring-menu Effect drawing: Ring-menu Ring-menu-active


Effect drawing: 简单计算器

###5.maze Effect drawing: maze

###6.mole Effect drawing: mole

###7.puzzle Effect drawing: mole