
Project of "Descomplicando Ansible - Linuxtips"

Primary LanguageJinja

Ansible Project (linuxtips)


Ansible - Kubernetes

Tecnologies on project:

  • AWS (EC2 and Security Group)
  • Ansible
  • CRI-O (Container Runtime)
  • Kubernetes
  • Helm
  • Prometheus Operator
  • Pod Network Project Calico

Pre-req to create resources on AWS:

sudo pip3 install boto3

To create and provisioning the machines on AWS you will need the credentials exported on Env of Linux

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='AK123'
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='abc123'
# You will need get this credentials on IAM of AWS


On provisioning/roles/instances-aws/vars you will need declare the vars of AWS

sec_group_name: # -> Security Group Name to create
instance_type: # -> type of hardware of instance
image: # -> AMI with ISO of Operation System
keypair: # -> SSH Keys of AWS (.Pem)
region: # -> Region of creation
count: 3 # -> Count of instances

Now just go to provisioning directory to run the playbook.

cd provisioning/

ls -lh
total 12K
-rw-r--r-- 1 felipe felipe  193 Jun  3 16:44 hosts
-rw-r--r-- 1 felipe felipe   41 Jun  2 19:46 main.yaml
drwxr-xr-x 3 felipe felipe 4.0K Jun  2 19:44 roles

ansible-playbook -i hosts --private-key=~/.ssh/<aws_ssh_key>.pem main.yaml

Install K8S

cd install-kubernetes 

ls -lh
total 12K
-rw-r--r-- 1 felipe felipe  462 Jun  3 16:46 hosts
-rw-r--r-- 1 felipe felipe 1.4K Jun  3 15:47 main.yaml
drwxr-xr-x 7 felipe felipe 4.0K Jun  3 15:45 roles

vim hosts
master ansible_host=node-1 ansible_ssh_host=#<Insert Public IP of Master on AWS>

worker1 ansible_host=node-2 ansible_ssh_host=#<Insert Public IP of WORKER1 on AWS>
worker2 ansible_host=node-3 ansible_ssh_host=#<Insert Public IP of WORKER2 on AWS>


K8S_MASTER_NODE_IP=#<Insert Private IP of Master on AWS>
K8s_WORKER1_NODE_IP=#<Insert Private IP of WORKER1 on AWS>
K8s_WORKER2_NODE_IP=#<Insert Private IP of WORKER2 on AWS>

CRI-O Container Runtime

The container-runtime CRI-O needs bind the version with kubernetes version, this configuration can be changed on:


vim main.yaml
    - br_netfilter
    - ip_vs
    - ip_vs_rr
    - ip_vs_sh
    - ip_vs_wrr
    - overlay

CRIO_OS: xUbuntu_18.04 # Insert here the OS env of CRI-O
CRIO_VERSION: 1.21 # Insert here the VERSION env of CRI-O

# On this commit the CRI-O bind with Kubernetes 1.21.1

The table to binding with Kubernetes can be found below:


With all IP's configured on invetory file of ansible, just run the playbook.



ansible-playbook -i hosts --private-key=~/.ssh/<aws_ssh_key>.pem main.yaml