- Check Camera Info
Phantom VEO-E 340L with DataSheet
Sensor Size 25.6 X 16 mm at full resolution.
Pixel Pitch 10 μm
- Check MLA Info
Micro Lens array: MLA-S125-f30 with DataSheet
Micro Lens Pitch: 125 μm
Focal Length: 125 * 30 = 3750 μm = 3.75mm
Micro lens principal plane spacing(H1s, H2s): we don't know, assume 200 μm
- Simulate with 60mm focual length camera
Fork from Github and flow the installation guide.
I use Windows. Chech add-on folder
- Refocus result
This video show z slice from -25 mm to 25 mm based on normal focal plane. As we can see, the refocuse partical appears as guassian like blob.
This is a Qt UI based processing system.
chech my another repo