
Boilerplate with React client and Express backend, both written in TypeScript. Offers performance and extended functionality. Helps to avoid frequent React-Express pitfalls.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

crisp-react logo

Travis CI badge Language badge. Sometimes timeouts - please reload. Snyk Vulnerabilities badge License badge

Project Highlights

  • Performance. Achieved by webpack tree shaking, script bundle minification and compression (gzip and Brotli). Complimented by server-side caching described below.

    Benchmarking Tool Result Throttling
    Google LightHouse Run on Google Cloud not throttled
    Google LightHouse Run on Google Cloud throttled to slow 4G,
    CPU slowdown

    The tool is embedded into Chrome so you can easily benchmark yourself. Follow this link for the details.

  • Caching. The backend implements HTTP caching and allows long term storage of script bundles in browser's cache that further enhances performance yet supports smooth deployment of versioning changes in production (eliminating the risk of stale bundles getting stuck in the cache).

  • Code splitting. Ability to optionally split your React Application into multiple Single Page Applications (SPA). For example, one SPA can offer an introductory set of screens for the first-time user or handle login. Another SPA could implement the rest of the application, except for Auditing or Reporting that can be catered for by yet another SPA. This approach would be beneficial for medium-to-large React applications that can be split into several domains of functionality, development and testing.

  • Seamless debugging. Debug a minified/obfuscated, compressed production bundle and put breakpoints in its TypeScript code using both VS Code and Chrome DevTools. Development build debugging: put breakpoints in the client and backend code and debug both simultaneously using a single instance of VS Code.

  • API. The backend communicates with a cloud service on behalf of clients and makes data available via an API endpoint. It's consumed by the clients. The Name Lookup API is used as a sample: API Screenshot

    The implementation provides reusable code, both client-side and backend, making it easier to switch to another API. In fact this approach has been taken by the sibling Crisp BigQuery repository created by cloning and renaming this solution - it uses Google BigQuery API instead.
    This arrangement brings a security benefit: The clients running inside a browser in a non-trusted environment do not have credentials to access a cloud service that holds sensitive data. The backend runs in the trusted environment you control and does have the credentials.

  • Containerisation. Docker multi-staged build is used to ensure the backend run-time environment doesn't contain the client build-time dependencies e.g. client/node_modules/. It improves security and reduces container's storage footprint.

    • As a container deployment option suitable for a demonstration, you can build and deploy the container on Cloud Run. The prerequisites are to have a Google Cloud account with at least one project created and billing enabled.
      Run on Google Cloud
      The build will take a while due to free Cloud Shell using a free cloud VM with modest specs. After the build and deployment are finished you can click on the provided link and see the page rendered by the client.

      ❗ It is highly recommended to delete the created service when the demo is finished. The explanation why this is needed can be found in the Containerisation section. Delete the service by executing the following command:
      gcloud run services delete crisp-react --platform=managed --region=us-central1 --project=<project-name>
      It can be conveniently executed from the Cloud Shell session opened during the deployment. Update the region with the one chosen during the deployment and replace <project-name> with your project name. Alternatively delete the service using Cloud Run Console.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Install yarn if not already installed: npm install yarn -g

With VS Code
Prerequisites: Chrome and VS Code with 'Debugger for Chrome' extension.

  • Clone the crisp-react repository:

    git clone https://github.com/winwiz1/crisp-react.git
    cd crisp-react

  • Install dependencies:

    yarn install

  • Open the workspace file in VS Code:

    code ./crisp-react.code-workspace

  • Start the debugging configuration 'Debug Client and Backend (workspace)'.

  • Wait until an instance of Chrome starts. You should see the Overview page:

    Overview Page

  • Choose the NameLookup component from the menu. You should see its page:

    NameLookup Page

  • Stop the running debugging configuration (use the 'Stop' button on VS Code Debugging toolbar two times or press Control+F5 twice).
Without VS Code
After executing the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/winwiz1/crisp-react.git
cd crisp-react
yarn install && yarn start:prod

you will have a running instance of backend (e.g. Express) serving the newly built React app that can be seen by pointing a browser to localhost:3000.
Terminate the backend by pressing Control+C.

The section can be concluded by optionally renaming the solution. Rename the top-level directory from crisp-react to your-project and set the SPAs.appTitle variable in the spa.config.js file accordingly. Ignore the rest of the file for a moment, it's covered in depth in the SPA Configuration section.


Client and Backend Subprojects

Each subproject supports execution of the following commands/scripts:

yarn compile
yarn lint
yarn test
yarn dev

along with additional commands described in Usage.

The client subproject:

  • Starts webpack-dev-server listening on port 8080 in the development mode.
  • Creates build artifacts (html files, script bundles and source maps) in the production mode. The artifacts are meant to be copied over to the backend subproject to be served by Express.
  • Additionally can start an instance of Chrome controlled via Inspector protocol (with caching disabled for better debugging) and point it to either webpack-dev-server or the backend server.

webpack-dev-server can be referred to as 'devserver'.

The backend subproject:

  • In the production mode starts Express listening on port 3000 to serve from disk the build artifacts created by the client subproject .
  • In the development mode starts Express listening on the same port and working as a proxy for webpack-dev-server.
  • Implements HTTP caching arrangement which disables the caching for .html files and enables it for script bundles. A typical React application comes with .html files that are rather small whereas the bundles can be significantly larger. On the other hand, the build process keeps the names of .html files static and embeds a hash into the names of script bundles. As a result the caching arrangement ensures smooth deployment of versioning changes.

SPA Configuration

The optional splitting of a React application into multiple SPAs (each rendered by its own bundle) improves the application loading time. The vendor bundle contains node_modules/ dependencies and is reused between SPAs so that there is no need to download it again when switching from one SPA to another.

Every SPA has a landing page displayed during initial rendering by the component included into the SPA. In webpack terminology such a component is called entry point. An SPA (and its bundle) is comprised of this component, the components it imports and their dependencies. Let's see how Crisp React defines the SPAs.

The client subproject builds an application with SPAs defined by the SPA Configuration block in the spa.config.js file:

/****************** Start SPA Configuration ******************/
  var SPAs = [
    new SPA({
      name: "first",
      entryPoint: "./src/entrypoints/first.tsx",
      redirect: true
    new SPA({
      name: "second",
      entryPoint: "./src/entrypoints/second.tsx",
      redirect: false
  SPAs.appTitle = "Crisp React";
/****************** End SPA Configuration ******************/

Each SPA is defined using 3 pieces of data: name, entry point (e.g. the landing page component) and a boolean flag. Ignore the flag for a moment. There is also an appTitle, it provides the application-wide default setting for the <title> tag in the <head> section of all pages. The title can be easily overwritten as needed.

SPA's name "first" is used to define the SPA's landing page e.g. /first.html and name the bundle that renders the SPA: first<hash>.js. More information about all the data pieces shown above is provided in the configuration file. The file is copied during the backend build from one subproject to another and used to configure the client, the backend and the unit tests.

To reconfigure the application to have a separate SPA for login and another one for the rest of the application, change the SPA Configuration block as follows:

/****************** Start SPA Configuration ******************/
  var SPAs = [
    new SPA({
      name: "login",
      entryPoint: "./src/entrypoints/login.tsx",
      redirect: false
    new SPA({
      name: "app",
      entryPoint: "./src/entrypoints/app.tsx",
      redirect: true
  SPAs.appTitle = "DemoApp";
/****************** End SPA Configuration ******************/

and then follow the instructions provided in the configuration file comments.

Since any SPA is comprised of the landing page component (entry point) and its imports, the coding to support the SPA reconfiguration above can start by making login.tsx render the login page: either directly or maybe with the help of an imported component that will ask for user credentials. Another component could render a page asking for alternative credentials e.g. biometrics or ask for multifactor authentication (MFA).

The entry point app.tsx would import the component responsible for rendering the page presented to the user after logging in. Express could potentially be modified to ensure only authenticated users can download the bundle for this SPA.

The newly written app.tsx should verify the client is logged in (for example by checking the cookie set by backend after successful login) and if not redirect to the landing page of the 'login' SPA: /login.html. In the same manner login.tsx should check if the client has been authenticated and if so redirect to /app.html.

No modifications are required for the backend which will be reconfigured to:

  • Serve the two HTML pages, namely /login.html and /app.html, which are the landing pages of our two SPAs.
  • Redirect to /app.html (due to the boolean redirect flag set) other requests in the form /<path> or /<path>.html provided the <path> doesn't include a subdirectory. It's the standard behavior required by all SPAs and implemented in webpack-dev-server using the historyApiFallback setting.
  • Return 404 error for all other requests except for script bundles and source maps.

To turn off code splitting using multiple SPAs simply leave one SPA in the SPA Configuration block.

Tip: Let's assume over the time the application has grown and acquired extensive reporting capabilities, perhaps with a reporting dashboard that imports many components. In this case the third SPA and its entry point reporting.tsx can be added to the SPA Configuration block. The entry point would import the dashboard and use it for rendering. Such an addition would take little time but bring performance and development/testing benefits. For example, some tests can focus on a React application which has the reporting SPA as the only entry in the SPA Configuration block thus taking the rest of the application out of the testing scope.

Integration with UI and CSS Libraries

Both libraries (Semantic UI and Typestyle respectively) provide React with the type safety afforded by TypeScript.


Debuggable test cases written in TypeScript. Integration with React Testing Library on the client and Supertest on the backend. Both using Jest as an engine.
The client and backend can be tested independently by executing the yarn test command. Alternatively the same command can be executed at the workspace level.

The repository is integrated with Travis CI and the test outcome is reflected by the test badge.


The Usage Scenarios below are grouped depending on whether the client or the backend subproject is used.

💡 This section can be skipped at first reading. You can proceed to the next section.

In case there are any changes made to the SPA Configuration block and the changes are recent (e.g. no client and backend builds have been performed since then), execute the yarn build command at the workspace level before starting the debugging configurations described below in the Client and Server Usage sections.

Tip: The commands executed in VS Code Terminal can also be executed from a command or shell prompt in the relevant directory and vice versa.

Client Usage Scenarios

To start with client scenarios open the client subdirectory in VS Code. Then open the Terminal.

Run devserver and use Live Reloading

Execute in Terminal: yarn dev. Wait until the command finishes.
Start a browser and point it to localhost:8080. You should see the First SPA overview page.
VS Code: Open src/components/Overview.tsx and alter the text on the page. As you type, note the compilation progress in the Terminal followed by automatic browser refresh. The newly typed content should be shown on the overview page. If instead of starting a browser you used already running instance, then you might need to refresh the browser to get Live Reloading working.
To finish press Control+C in the Terminal.
When to use: Develop the part of UI that doesn't need backend data.

Debug client using devserver and VS Code

VS Code: Start the Launch Chrome Connected to Devserver debugging configuration.
Wait until an instance of Chrome starts and shows the overview page.
VS Code: Put a breakpoint on the following line: src/components/ComponentB.tsx:14.
Use the overview page menu to choose the ComponentB. The breakpoint in VS Code will be hit. Press F5 to continue execution. Alternatively use Chrome to continue execution. Note Live Reloading is supported.
To finish remove the breakpoint and stop the running debugging configuration (use Debugging toolbar or press Shift+F5).
When to use: Troubleshoot the client provided backend data is not required.

Debug client using devserver and Chrome DevTools

Follow the "Debug client using devserver and VS Code" scenario to see the overview page.
In the instance of Chrome started, open Chrome DevTools.
Use 'Sources -> Filesystem -> Add folder to workspace' to add client/src directory. In this directory open the file src/components/ComponentB.tsx and put a breakpoint on the line 14.
Use the overview page menu to choose the ComponentB. The breakpoint in Chrome DevTools will be hit. Go to VS Code and note it knows the execution has stopped on this line of code and lets you inspect variables. Use Chrome or VS Code to continue execution. Note Live Reloading is supported.
To finish remove the breakpoint and stop the running debugging configuration (use Debugging toolbar or press Shift+F5).
When to use: Troubleshoot UI, inspect DOM tree, etc. provided backend data is not required.

Build client for development or production

To perform the development build execute in Terminal: yarn build. The build artifacts can be found under client/dist directory.
To perform the production build execute in Terminal: yarn build:prod. The build artifacts including the bundles with various compressions can be found under the same directory. If a bundle is too small to benefit from compression then it won't be compressed.
When to use: As a preparatory step when the backend is required. This step will be executed automatically by the backend usage scenarios below when needed.

Test client

Terminal: yarn test

Debug client test cases

VS Code: Put a breakpoint in any .test.tsx file.
VS Code: Start 'Debug Jest Tests' debugging configuration. Wait until the breakpoint is hit.
To finish remove the breakpoint and stop the running debugging configuration (use Debugging toolbar or press Shift+F5).

Lint client

Terminal: yarn lint

Backend Usage Scenarios

Build backend in production mode

Open a command prompt in the directory containing the workspace file crisp-react.code-workspace .
Execute command: yarn build:prod.
When to use: Prior to backend deployment, for example before copying the backend to the filesystem of a Docker container.

Run backend in production mode

Open a command prompt in the directory containing the workspace file crisp-react.code-workspace .
Execute command: yarn start:prod. It will build both the client application and the backend.
To run without build execute: yarn run:prod.
To stop the backend terminate the running command e.g. press Control+C.

Run backend with Live Reloading

Open the workspace file crisp-react.code-workspace in VS Code.
Start the debugging configuration Debug Client and Backend (workspace).
Wait until an instance of Chrome starts. You should see the overview page.
VS Code: Open client/src/components/Overview.tsx and alter the text on the page. After a few seconds delay the new content should be shown in the browser.
To finish stop the running debugging configuration (use the ‘Stop’ button on VS Code Debugging toolbar two times or press Control+F5 twice).

Test backend

Open a command prompt in the server subdirectory.
Execute command: yarn test

Debug backend test cases

Open the server subdirectory in VS Code.
Put a breakpoint in .test.tsx file.
Start 'Debug Jest Tests' debugging configuration. Wait until the breakpoint is hit.
To finish remove the breakpoint and stop the running debugging configuration.

Lint backend

Open a command prompt in the server subdirectory.
Execute command: yarn lint

Debug backend and client simultaneously

Open the workspace file crisp-react.code-workspace in VS Code.
Start the debugging configuration Debug Client and Backend (workspace).
Wait until an instance of Chrome starts. You should see the overview page.

Using VS Code example:
Note that VS Code can mark a breakpoint with a circle that is grey and hollow rather than red and solid, referring to it as 'Unverified breakpoint'. You can check the breakpoint has been set and marked with solid red circle by highlighting the relevant process (client or server) on VS Code Debug sidebar in the CALL STACK view.

Put a breakpoint on the following line: server/src/Server.ts:59.
In the browser choose the ComponentC from the menu, the breakpoint will be hit. Remove the breakpoint and resume the execution.
Put a breakpoint on the line client/src/components/ComponentB.tsx:14.
Use the menu to go back to the First SPA and then choose the ComponentB. The breakpoint will be hit. Remove the breakpoint and resume the execution. Choose the ComponentA from the menu.
Using Chrome DevTools example:
In the instance of Chrome started, open Chrome DevTools.
Use 'Sources -> Filesystem -> Add folder to workspace' to add client/src directory. In this directory open the file src/components/ComponentB.tsx and put a breakpoint on line 14.
Use the overview page menu to choose the ComponentB. The breakpoint in Chrome DevTools will be hit. Remove the breakpoint and use Chrome or VS Code to continue execution.

To finish stop the running debugging configuration (use the ‘Stop’ button on VS Code Debugging toolbar two times or press Control+F5 twice).

Use backend to debug the production client build

Open the workspace file crisp-react.code-workspace in VS Code.
Edit file client/webpack.config.js to change the sourceMap setting of the TerserPlugin config to true.
Start the debugging configuration Debug Production Client and Backend (workspace).
Wait until an instance of Chrome starts. You should see the overview page. Now you can use VS Code to set breakpoints in both client and backend provided the relevant process is highlighted/selected as explained in the previous scenario. You can also use Chrome DevTools to debug the client application as shown above.
To finish stop the running debugging configuration (use the Debugging toolbar or press Control+F5 once).


Using Docker

To build a Docker container image and start it, execute start-container.cmd or start-container.sh. Both files can also be executed from an empty directory in which case uncomment the two lines at the top. Moreover, it can be copied to a computer or VM that doesn't have NodeJS installed. The only prerequisites are Docker and Git.

The Dockerfile produces the development build of the client. This is a workaround for the Cloud Run bug explained below. If you are not using Cloud Run, switch to the production build as explained in the Dockerfile comments.

Once the container image is built, you can upload it into a private container registry supported by all cloud vendors and run it from there using one of their container offerings. One such option, Google Cloud Run, is described below since it was used for the demonstration in the Project Highlights section. Also note that all vendors allow you to build the image in the cloud so there is no need to upload it.

Using Google Cloud Run

This section contains additional considerations that apply to deploying the solution on Cloud Run. The considerations are not specific to this solution and would be relevant for any React SPA.

  1. Although Cloud Run provides an ample free tier usage in terms of bandwidth and number of requests, you are billed for the incoming requests once the free usage threshold, 2 million calls per month, is exceeded. This scenario wouldn't be infeasible if the service URL is discovered and used to mount a DoS attack (or come close to it by emulating a significant workload). Deleting the service promptly after a demonstration helps to mitigate this risk. Hopefully Google will make a configurable firewall available soon for Cloud Run running in the public access mode.

  2. The security of the deployment can be improved by switching to the private mode. This can be done by changing the allow-unauthenticated setting in the app.json file to false. The switch impacts usability due to the service becoming inaccessible to non-authenticated users. The access to the service can be enabled by an additionally deployed endpoint. However the endpoint requires users to authenticate using Google Sign-In or other methods. Obviously this authentication cannot be facilitated by the React application because any access to it is controlled by the endpoint.

  3. The Google provided alternatives to container deployment on Cloud Run with ability to control networking ingress include Cloud Run for Anthos. This option allows to have an ingress controller but is more expensive and technically involved. Google App Engine Flexible Environment is yet another option, it has access to a configurable firewall but lacks ability to set spending limits.

  4. There is a Cloud Run bug that makes it impossible to deploy a production build of the client on Cloud Run. The reason for it is that production builds of React applications typically produce compressed script bundles. The bug causes Cloud Run to strip the Content-Encoding HTTP header from the response sent by the backend. As a result, the browser doesn't know the downloaded bundle was compressed and doesn't uncompress it making the bundle unusable. The workaround is to opt for development builds with uncompressed bundles.

What's Next

Consider the following steps to add the desired functionality:

  • Start with Client Usage Scenarios to develop UI in absence of API data. For example, develop the initial look and feel of the login page. Take advantage of the Live Reloading to speed up the development. The client scenarios ensure the backend is not started needlessly.
  • Implement an API endpoint in the backend, in addition or instead the existing sample API endpoint. For example, a login endpoint. Technically it can be done by renaming the SampleXxx pattern in the names of source files and classes with LoginXxx, then modifying the classes as needed. This approach can be observed in the sibling Crisp BigQuery repository, the SampleXxx pattern was replaced with BigQueryXxx.
  • Switch to Backend Usage Scenarios to consume the API endpoint in the client. Modify the API related classes BackendManager and BackendRequest as needed. Keep taking advantage of the Live Reloading that is supported for client and backend code.

Pitfall Avoidance

One of the goals pursued by the Backend Usage Scenarios is to avoid the following common pitfalls:

  • 🔥 Running the webpack-dev-server in production.
  • ⚠️ Getting CORS security violations triggered by the browser which detects that script bundles were downloaded from one server (frontend) and then the code from the bundles attempts to call API endpoints provided by another server (backend). There are CORS related HTTP headers that exist to water down or cancel completely the security which browsers implement for a reason. In some cases using such headers is unavoidable, for example the code from some Google SDKs is embedded into clients at the build time and not downloaded from Google at run-time, so many Google APIs wouldn't work without CORS headers. But its usage is best to be kept to the minimum because it raises the requirements for backend hardening.
  • 👎 Not implementing SPA related fallback in the backend. It should redirect requests for unknown pages to the SPA landing page. For example, this behaviour is enabled in webpack-dev-server using the historyApiFallback setting which exists specifically to support SPAs. The fallback behavior is required for any SPA because a user can see the path to an internal page (e.g. /a or /b or /namelookup) in the navigation bar and can either retype it manually and press Enter or refresh the browser. In both cases the backend gets hit with a request for an internal SPA page it is not aware of and responding with the 404 Not Found error doesn't look good for the user. Due to security considerations the fallback tolerance should have its limits and clearly invalid requests should still trigger an error.

The backend scenarios ensure the client gets everything (build artifacts including script bundles, API responses) from the backend only. This leaves no room for CORS issues. The SPA related fallback is implemented in development and production automatically and in accordance with SPA configuration.

The webpack-dev-server is never started in production. This is hardly a good idea. The server, as its name suggests, is meant to be used in development only.

Q & A

Q: I have changed both SPA names in the SPA Configuration block and kept the rest including the entry points intact. I expect everything to keep working using my new names for the SPA landing pages instead of the old /first.html and /second.html. However navigation via the menu and Back/Forward browser buttons seems to be broken. How can it be fixed.
A: Clear the browser's history and cache. Alternatively use an incognito tab. The client, the backend and the tests should work with the new names.

Q: Can I use dynamic imports in addition to multiple SPAs for code splitting?
A: Yes, dynamic imports are fully supported. For example, if there is a Reporting bundle and one component is known to be used infrequently, then it's a good candidate to be separated from the bundle using a dynamic import:

const ReportingWrapperXXX = React.lazy(() => import(
  /* webpackChunkName: "reporting-xxx" */
  /* webpackMode: "lazy" */
  /* webpackPrefetch: "false" */
// Can have its own Redux store to coexist with the main Redux store
export const ReportingPanelXXX: React.FC = _props => {
  return (
    <Provider store={reportingStoreXXX}>
      <React.Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
        <ReportingWrapperXXX />

Remember to change the settings in tsconfig.json:

"removeComments": false,
"module": "esnext",

otherwise the dynamic import will be ignored and webpack 'magic comments' removed.

Note: React.lazy has a restriction, it works with default exports only. The restriction should be lifted in the future. When webpack detects dynamic imports, it emits code that loads the bundle it created asynchronously and Suspense/lazy needs to wait for the loading to complete. This technology is less straightforward and probably less mature than building a static bundle and referencing it via the <script> tag in .html file.

In case you have a utility class used infrequently, it can also be imported dynamically. This can be done using await import and without Suspense/lazy. The sibling Crisp BigQuery repository (derived from Crisp React) provides a working example.

Q: Do dynamic imports negate the need to have multiple SPAs.
A: It depends. These two are complimentary techniques. Obviously once a bundle grows larger, it starts affecting performance as its loading time increases. But the reverse is also true, having too many small bundles could result in more network round-trips and the bundle compression will become less efficient. It can also complicate attempts to scrutinise network traffic including requests for bundles.

Q: How can I add my own HTML including polyfills etc. to the generated .html files?
A: Use react-helmet to add additional HTML tags to the <head> element and modify the existing ones. Alternatively use the client\src\entrypoints\head-snippet.html file. Its content is inserted into the <head> element. You can add a bodyHtmlSnippet by changing the HtmlWebpackPlugin configuration in webpack.config.js (search for headHtmlSnippet and add similar code).

Q: How can I fix TypeScript compilation errors?
A: Note the TypeScript version in package.json. Ensure the TypeScript version shown at the VS Code status bar when .ts or .tsx file is opened is not lower.

Q: Breakpoints in Chrome DevTools are not hit. How can I fix it?
A: Open the Settings page of the Chrome DevTools and ensure 'Enable JavaScript source maps' and 'Disable cache (while DevTools is open)' boxes are ticked. Close the Settings page and on the Network tab tick the 'Disable cache' box. If debugging a production build, change the sourceMap setting of the TerserPlugin config to true in webpack.config.js, then restart debugging.

Q: Breakpoints in VS Code are not hit. How can it be fixed.
A: Try to remove the breakpoint and set it again. If the breakpoint is in the client code, refresh the page.

Q: Linting the client and the backend yields a couple of errors. How do I fix it?
A: The linting errors left unfixed are either erroneous or are considered to be harmless and not worth fixing until the planned transition from tslint to eslint is completed.


Crisp React project with its 'server' and 'client' subprojects is open source software licensed as MIT.