iET Icinga Web 2 module

Icinga Web 2 custom module bundling various iET-related functionality. Usually, iET is getting a lot of customization, so please do not expect this module to work for your setup out of the box.

The main purpose of this module is to implement various Hooks.

Icinga Director Import Source

iET provides a CMDB and is therefore a perfect candidate for an Import Source to hooked into the Icinga Director.

Icinga Host/Service-Actions

This module implements the Host/ServiceAction hook provided by the Icinga Monitoring module. That way it allows to create iET tickets, called Operational Requests in the environment this has been developed for.

Tickets are created on demand. When you're doing so, the related Icinga Problem will be acknowledged, and a reference to the created Issue will be placed into the related Acknowledgement Comment.

Eventtracker EventAction

Similar to the above, this module implements the EventAction into the EventTracker, mainly to create Operational Requests. Once an OR has been created, the Ticket Reference is populated to the related EventTracker Issue.

Icinga Ticket Hook

Last but not least, this module implements the generic ticket Hook for Icinga Web 2. This means that comments containing references to Operation Requests in iET will be transformed into links back to iET.

As iET is shipped as a Windows application. This means that links pointing to iET will make use of the iet://-scheme. That way a click will open the referred ticket directly in your Winodws application.


Configuration takes place in config.ini (generic settings) and instances.ini (iET Instances - connection settings).

iET Instances

Sample config for [ICINGAWEB_CONFIGDIR]/modules/iet/instances.ini:

host = ""
webservice = ""
namespace = ""
; Ticket Url, defaults to iet://<host>/displayrecord?or=%d
; ticket_url =<ticket>
username = "icinga"
password = "***"
; for certificate-based client authentication against the iET Web Service:
; cert = "/etc/ssl/certs/"
; key = "/etc/ssl/private/"

host = ""
webservice = ""
namespace = ""
; username = "ietws"
; password = "ietws"
ignore_certificate = true

Global settings

Global default settings are to be found in [ICINGAWEB_CONFIGDIR]/modules/iet/config.ini. The [implementation] section allows to specify a specific Web Form implementation. For historic reasons this will default to "Creating Operational Requests" if none has been configured.

The [defaults] section allows to pre-fill form values. Placeholders allow to pick properties from related (Icinga) objects.

The [links] section is valid only for the CreateOR implementation and allows to ship a bunch of links with newly created tickets.

; ticket_form = "MinimalMonitoringTicket"

sourcesystem = "Some Name"
fe = "{icinga.vars.my_fe}"
service = "AB02 My Service"

Event Source = "{uuid}"
DokuWiki = "{attributes.my_dokuwiki}"
Knowledge Base = "{attributes.my_knowledge_base}"


Please note that this module has been implemented without any documentation. Access to the Windows Application with permissions to run sample requests has been granted close to the end of the project.

Therefore, please do not consider this a good API implementation. It definitively isn't. However, it serves it's purpose and runs fine. In case you're running iET and want to see this improved and/or customized to also fit your needs, please to not hesitate to ask.