
More LIPSedge SDK samples written in OpenNI2 programming interface to demonstrate LIPSedge camera functions and features.

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

LIPSedge SDK samples

Here we collect several samples using OpenNI2 programming interface to stream depth and color images of LIPSedge camera. There are some examples showing device management handled by OpenNI2 framework.

List of Samples:

Name Description Camera
LIPSCameraMatrix Simple OpenNI2 tool to query supported video modes and list camera intrinsic/extrinsic parameters all LIPSedge cameras
LIPSImuReader Tool to read IMU sensor data (Accel. & Gyro) from LIPSedge camera LIPSedge camera with IMU sensor support, e.g. LIPSedge M3, AE400
LIPSLensModeSelect-gl Controll LIPSedge camera to switch between two range modes, normal and near(or closed), at runtime. LIPSedge camera that supports multi range modes, e.g. LIPSedge DL/M3
LIPSPowerTest-gl Put camera into sleep mode to shutdown projector/emitter temporarily LIPSedge camera that supports sleep mode, e.g. LIPSedge DL/M3
Ni2CenterRead Simple OpenNI2 console program to show depth value at center point of frame all LIPSedge cameras
Ni2EventBasedViewer-gl OpenNI2 device management by event-driven design all LIPSedge cameras
Ni2PointCloud-gl An OpenNI2 sample uses OpenGL to visualize pointcloud data in 3D LIPSedge camera that supports image registration
Ni2RawViewer-gl A simple tool to read OpenNI2 frames captured as raw data format all LIPSedge cameras
Ni2SimpleViewer-gl A simplifiled version of NiViewer that uses OpenGL to disply Depth/IR/Color frames all LIPSedge cameras
Ni2SimpleViewer-cv A simplifiled version of NiViewer that uses OpenCV to disply Depth/IR/Color frames all LIPSedge cameras

LIPSedge SDK installation:

  • Visit LIPS website to download our latest SDK for your LIPSedge 3D camera.

Linux installation:

  • Important build tools, like CMake, make, g++, git, are ready in your Linux system.
  • Running sudo ./install.sh for installation, then you can setup OpenNI2 software development environment by sourcing the config file.
$ source OpenNIDevEnvironment

Windows installation:

  • In default case, OpenNI2 software is installed to path C:\Program Files\OpenNI2\Redist. You can find library and camera drivers in it.

Build samples:

Use CMake (command line or GUI tool) to complete build configuration and generation.

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

OpenNI2 runtime dependency:

Linux installation:

After build completed, use make install to install required OpenNI2 runtime resources to the default output folder Bin.

$ make install
$ cd ../Bin/

NOTE: OpenNI2 runtime resources for Linux:

For Windows installation:

Open project in Visual Studio, left-click the projct INSTALL from Solution Explorer and select option Build or Rebuild.

After build completed, you can find OpenNI2 runtime resources copied to the default output folder Bin.

NOTE: OpenNI2 runtime resources for Windows:
OPENNI2/Drivers/DeviceModule2.dll (for LIPSedge DL/M3, you can replace it to your camera driver)

Running samples:

Switch to output folder Bin to run sample program, for example, you can run Ni2PointCloud-gl to view pointcloud streaming.

$ cd Bin
Bin$ ./Ni2PointCloud-gl