
ajax fetch axios

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Fxios V3

Introduction 中文版

v2 doc

inspired by axios, build with typescript, encapsulate origin fetch

fxios = fetch + axios


in browser

<script src="//unpkg.com/fxios"></script>
<script type="application/javascript">

const f1 = fxios.create({
  baseURL: '/api',

local install

npm install fxios
// or
yarn add fxios

default export an available instance

import fxios from 'fxios'

type ResType = {success: boolean}

async function createUser() {
  const result = await fxios.post<ResType>('/api/user', { body: { name: 'abc' } })
  return result

more to see: example.ts

create new instance

import fxios, { Fxios } from 'fxios'

const f1 = new Fxios(config)
// or
const f2 = Fxios.create(config)
// or
const f3 = fxios.create(config)

the config for create new instance is FxiosConfig,data structure as below:

  // like axios baseURL,default blank.
  baseURL: '',
  // except baseURL, all other property inherit from RequestInit
  // ref: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API
  body?: BodyInit | null;
  cache?: RequestCache;
  credentials?: RequestCredentials;
  headers?: HeadersInit;
  integrity?: string;
  keepalive?: boolean;
  method?: string;
  mode?: RequestMode;
  redirect?: RequestRedirect;
  referrer?: string;
  referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy;
  signal?: AbortSignal | null;
  window?: any;

the request option will overwrite the instance config property as below

  url: '/api/users',
  mode: 'cors',

Instance Api

fxios#request(option: IFxiosRequestOption | string)

the option could be a string as below:


all other case,should use object option IFxiosRequestOption, as below:

  url: '/users',
  body: {
    name: 'abc',
  headers: {

IFxiosRequestOption data structure

export interface IFxiosRequestOption extends RequestInit {
  query?: {
    [index: string]: string | string[] | number | number[] | boolean | boolean[] | undefined
  body?: any
  path?: {
    [index: string]: string | number | boolean | undefined
  formData?: any
  baseURL?: string
  url: string

these instance methods are all short cut of fxios#request.








each method has already bind to the instance,need not to call like bind(fxios)

const get = fxios.get
get(...) // same as fxios.get(...)

path is the parameter in the url path: the below request will call this url: '/api/user/123/edit'。

  url: '/api/user/:id/edit',
  path: {
    id: '123'

when body is simple object, it will be JSON.stringify,and auto add {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} to the request header, other case, body will not be auto transformed.

as below:

fxios.post('/api/user', {
  body: 'abc', // or { name: 'abc' }


each instance has interceptor property,like transformRequest and transformResponse in axios.

interceptor has three property,requestresponsecatch

fxios.interceptor.request = function(option: IFxiosRequestOption): IFxiosRequestOption {...}

fxios.interceptor.response = function(res: Response, req?: IFxiosRequestOption ): any {...}

fxios.interceptor.catch = function(error: Error, req?: IFxiosRequestOption): any {...}