LIQ website

Website of the Laboratoire d'Information Quantique.

This site was made by forking and adapting the website of Allan Lab as explained here. The layout of the members page is based on the team page of Quantum Group @ UGhent.



Publications are classified into the topics listed in the _data/pubtopics.yml file depending on how they are tagged in the Bibtex entries in the _bibliography/ folder.

The following page shows untagged papers, if there are any:

The repository folder utils/ contains code that can help with generating bibentries. To be able to use bibutils.jl, you need to install AnyAscii and PyCall in Julia and arxiv for Python (e.g. with pip install --user arxiv).

In bibutils.jl, the main functions you're likely to want to use are bibfile()and possibly arxiv_entries(). The former prints BibTeX entries for ArXiv papers matching a given search string, with additional information gained from the preprints' DOIs for those that have them. Example:

julia> include("bibutils.jl");

julia> bibfile("0803.4290")
  title =        {A convergent hierarchy of semidefinite programs
                  characterizing the set of quantum correlations},
  author =       {Navascués, Miguel and Pironio, Stefano and Acín, Antonio},
  journal =      {New Journal of Physics},
  publisher =    {IOP Publishing},
  volume =       {10},
  number =       {7},
  pages =        {073013},
  year =         {2008},
  month =        {Jul},
  doi =          {10.1088/1367-2630/10/7/073013},
  issn =         {1367-2630},
  archivePrefix ={ar{X}iv},
  eprint =       {0803.4290},
  primaryClass = {quant-ph}

julia> bibfile("0803.4290", "filename.bib")     # Write same output as above
                                                # in file "filename.bib".

In this case there is, unsurprisingly, only one entry because the search string is the ArXiv ID of a specific preprint.

The function arxiv_entries() looks up and returns the metainformation about preprints (in the form of an array of dictionaries) without printing it. The output of this function can be passed to bibfile() to then generate the BibTeX entries. In other words, you can get the metainformation about preprints and print it in two separate steps like this:

entries = arxiv_entries("0803.4290")
bibfile(entries, "filename.bib")

Development and deployment

Local development

Make sure you have Ruby installed. E.g., on Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install ruby-full build-essential zlib1g-dev

Add these lines to .bashrc in your home folder:

# Install Ruby Gems to ~/gems
export GEM_HOME="$HOME/gems"
export PATH="$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH"

Restart the shell and run:

$ gem install jekyll bundler webrick

Clone the repository somewhere:

$ git clone

Go into the directory and run bundle install:

$ cd
$ bundle install

When that's done you can start a local server so you can see what the site looks like as you make edits to it:

$ bundle exec jekyll serve

When that is running, open your favourite web browser and visit http://localhost:4000/ to see your local version of the site.



$ jekyll build

to (re)build the site locally. This will put the site in the _site/ folder.


There's a Python script included in the project directory that automates the task of updating the LIQ website on the ULB server. It depends on a package pysftp which you will probably have to install the first time you want to use it:

$ pip install pysftp

If you've never logged into the server where the website is hosted before from the computer you are using, log in to the host using sftp and exit once to add it to your local list of SSH hosts:

sftp [user]@[host]

using your username and the destination hostname in place of [user] and [host], confirm that you want to continue connecting if/when asked, then press ctrl-D to exit.

To update the website run:

$ ./ [user]@[host]

and give your password when asked. This will clear the contents of the folder public_html/ on the remote host and then copy the contents of _site/ on your computer into public_html/ on the remote host.

If you get an error message to do with SSH and No hostkey for host [host] found then log in directly with sftp and log out once as explained above.