
Python scripts for Ruckus SmartZone and virtual SmartZone

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Ruckus SmartZone API

Repository for basic python scripts to pull and print data from Ruckus SmartZone API.


I am new to both python and git and scripts are training exercises. I have not written code for an extended period. Program is tested against a SZ100 cluster of 2 running 3.6.2 and 5.2.2 firmware and using v9_1 version of the API. These scripts work correctly with vSZ and SZ.

Each script will need the following variables which will need modifying for your own configuration:

  • baseurl

  • szusername

    • String
  • szpassword

    • String
  • check_cert

    • Boolean - set to False if using selfsigned certificates or certificate chain is not installed on the machine
    • There is also an import commented out for supressing invalid certificate warnings for testing purposes only.
    • url
  • Use API documentation below for reference:

Ruckus documentation for version 3.6.2 https://docs.ruckuswireless.com/smartzone/5.2.2/sz100-public-api-reference-guide-522.html


Prerequisites: requests, json

Returns and prints all the configured zones on the cluster. The script will output a list of lists called cleaned_zones.

Format of the lists are:



Prerequisites: requests, json

Builds on login_getzone.py to produce a list of lists called cleaned_all_zone_wlan from cleaned_zones that includes the WLAN names and ids. Please note this is the WLAN name NOT the SSID.

Format of the lists are:



Prerequisites: requests, json, sys

Returns and prints the JSON from individual WLAN. If wlan_template_id or zone_template_id are blank the program will ask for the names of the WLAN and the zone to be inputted. The script attempts to account for spelling mistakes in the WLAN name before quitting if WLAN is not found in the zone.

It will save the WLAN's details in a variable called wlan_template.


Prerequisites: requests, json, sys, dictdiffer

Returns and prints the differences in configuration of two different WLANs. Useful for quickly solving why a certain WLAN isn't working as expected. It builds on login_getwlan_details but will need two sets of WLAN + Zone details, either one template and one inputted or both manually inputted. The ignore list removes common and expected differences as defined below, can be used or not.

ignore_list = ['id','name','ssid','encryption.passphrase','bssid','zoneId','description']

The results are saved in wlans_compared. A more detailed description of the output is in the helper module documentation here, otherwise a basic format is below.
