We display the constructed vulnerability knowledge graph in Neo4j 4.4.5. We use cypher language to query vulnerability information, display vulnerability data in a visual way, and give the analysis diagram after the vulnerability node is embedded.
- Windows10
- Python 3.9.0
- neo4j 4.4.5
pip install pyspider
pip install neo4j
git clone https://github.com/liqiqiqiqi/Vul_data_Knowledge_Graph.git
cd VulKG_spider_demo
cd CWE_Database
python MainScraper.py
In MainScraper.py uri = "bolt://localhost:7687", auth=("neo4j", "admin")
,change your own name and password.
Knowledge Graph
cd VulKG_spider_demo
cd Connected
python neo4j_vul.py
match(m:vul_data{name:"capec109"})-[r]-(n:vul_data) return m,n
Embedding result