SecureSend is a library for Anonymous & Secure transactions on EVM networks and enables functionality to get funds privately without sharing wallet address
SecureSend enables stealth addresses and a one-time public key creation mechanism, making it hard to trace or monitor transactions by anyone else. This ensures enhanced privacy and confidentiality.
- Unique Address Generation
- Secure Fund Transfer
- Privacy Protection
- Mock contract as typescript class
It's made for educational purposes only.
Here is a list of methods available.
Method | Description |
genKeyPair |
Generates a new public-private key pair. |
getPrivateKey |
Retrieves the private key from the generated key pair. |
getPublicKey |
Retrieves the public key from the generated key pair. |
getPrivAndPubKey |
Retrieves both the private and public keys. |
uint8publicKey |
Converts the public key to a UInt8Array format. |
checkSum |
Calculates the checksum for a given key. |
addCheckSum |
Adds a checksum to a key. |
addPrefix |
Adds a prefix to the key for identification. |
getPrefixLength |
Retrieves the length of the prefix used in keys. |
createNewKey |
Generates a new key with a prefix and checksum. |
getAddressFromLiqusKey |
Derives an address from the given Liqus key. |
validateLiqusKey |
Validates the given Liqus key to ensure it is correct. |
setUpStealthAddress |
Sets up a stealth address for anonymous transactions. |
getPlatformPrivateKey |
Retrieves the platform's private key for internal use. |
getPlatformAddress |
Retrieves the platform's address derived from its private key. |
getSharedSecret |
Computes a shared secret between two keys for secure communication. |
getXCor |
Retrieves the X coordinate of a public key point. |
getYCor |
Retrieves the Y coordinate of a public key point. |
getStealthAddress |
Generates a stealth address for receiving funds anonymously. |
getKeyFromPrivate |
Derives a public key from a given private key. |