
Anonymous & Secure transactions on EVM networks

Primary LanguageTypeScript


SecureSend is a library for Anonymous & Secure transactions on EVM networks and enables functionality to get funds privately without sharing wallet address

SecureSend enables stealth addresses and a one-time public key creation mechanism, making it hard to trace or monitor transactions by anyone else. This ensures enhanced privacy and confidentiality.


  • Unique Address Generation
  • Secure Fund Transfer
  • Privacy Protection
  • Mock contract as typescript class


It's made for educational purposes only.


Here is a list of methods available.

Method Description
genKeyPair Generates a new public-private key pair.
getPrivateKey Retrieves the private key from the generated key pair.
getPublicKey Retrieves the public key from the generated key pair.
getPrivAndPubKey Retrieves both the private and public keys.
uint8publicKey Converts the public key to a UInt8Array format.
checkSum Calculates the checksum for a given key.
addCheckSum Adds a checksum to a key.
addPrefix Adds a prefix to the key for identification.
getPrefixLength Retrieves the length of the prefix used in keys.
createNewKey Generates a new key with a prefix and checksum.
getAddressFromLiqusKey Derives an address from the given Liqus key.
validateLiqusKey Validates the given Liqus key to ensure it is correct.
setUpStealthAddress Sets up a stealth address for anonymous transactions.
getPlatformPrivateKey Retrieves the platform's private key for internal use.
getPlatformAddress Retrieves the platform's address derived from its private key.
getSharedSecret Computes a shared secret between two keys for secure communication.
getXCor Retrieves the X coordinate of a public key point.
getYCor Retrieves the Y coordinate of a public key point.
getStealthAddress Generates a stealth address for receiving funds anonymously.
getKeyFromPrivate Derives a public key from a given private key.