
Benchmarking different ways of implementing VM opcode dispatch

Primary LanguageRustThe UnlicenseUnlicense

VM dispatch method benchmark

A benchmark of various VM dispatch methods.


  • native - native code included as a baseline.
  • treewalk - basic tree-walk interpreter. An interpret function with a match in it that evaluates the result of an AST node
  • compact treewalk (dtable) and compact treewalk (switch) - same as treewalk, but the AST is "compressed" into a compact bytecode representation; so a big Instruction::Int becomes encoded as 5 bytes (opcode + u32). dtable uses a function dispatch table for dispatching opcodes and switch uses a match.
  • stack (dtable) and stack (switch) - stack machine; each opcode operates on an implicit stack, eg. Int 1 pushes the literal integer 1 onto the stack, Add pops two integers off the stack and adds them together. Similarly to compact treewalk, the dtable variant uses a function dispatch table and switch uses a match for dispatching opcodes.
  • register (dtable) and register (switch) - register machine; each operation has registers as its operands like on x86 - eg. %0 = Add %1, %2. dtable and switch meaning's the same again.

The compact treewalk (dtable) method is used by the Unreal Engine VM (and it dates back to the good ol' days of UnrealScript.)

The stack (switch) is used by my own programming language, Mica.

The register (switch) method is used by Lua.


The benchmarked (byte)code is computing 10 factorial, using the following function (in C-like pseudocode):

uint32_t factorial(uint32_t n) {
    uint32_t x = 1;
    uint32_t i = 1;
    while (i <= n) {
        x = x * i;
        i = i + 1;
    return x;

while is used in this example for explicitness, as for is just syntax sugar over it.

Note that no compound assignments are used. Each VM implements assignment as if it were evaluating the right-hand side fully and then assigning the result to a variable, for simplicity sake. While each of the VMs could use more specialized instructions, I decided not to have them to purely benchmark dispatch/implementation methods.

Each implementation is tested for correctness.

The various types of VMs are implemented in Rust and optimized to not contain any bounds checks, so in reality it's almost as if they were written in C. However, one caveat of using Rust is that we cannot test direct threading-based dispatch, since that requires tail calls or computed goto, and Rust has neither of them. (Tail calls can be achieved by relying on the optimizer, but in a real-world scenario you probably don't want your stack to overflow in debug mode, where this optimization is disabled.)

The benchmarking code uses the criterion crate to measure performance. Benchmarks were conducted on an AMD Ryzen 5 1600 running Windows.

native                  time:   [6.1612 ns 6.2052 ns 6.2548 ns]

treewalk                time:   [473.45 ns 476.01 ns 479.08 ns]

compact treewalk (dtable)
                        time:   [553.99 ns 554.77 ns 555.73 ns]

compact treewalk (switch)
                        time:   [713.00 ns 714.09 ns 715.26 ns]

stack (dtable)          time:   [649.28 ns 652.44 ns 655.76 ns]

stack (switch)          time:   [417.78 ns 433.00 ns 453.07 ns]

register (dtable)       time:   [372.83 ns 380.13 ns 387.56 ns]

register (switch)       time:   [118.89 ns 119.13 ns 119.40 ns]

See the Criterion.rs documentation to see what these numbers mean.