
Arduino project code

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Plant-o-meter V1


  • NodeMcu lolin devkit V3
  • custom DrinuTech PCB
  • 3x 5mm leds (blue, red, green)
  • 3x 220 ohm resistor
  • 1x 10k resistor
  • 1x hygrometer
  • 1x DHT 11
  • 1x LCD (20x4 I2C)

Download LCD library from here : https://github.com/fdebrabander/Arduino-LiquidCrystal-I2C-library

D8_PORTAL is derived from the same source as D8_hack.ino but with a webportal for credentials amongst other added functionality

Current setup corrodes the soil meter real fast.

The way to fix this is to wire pin D8 to the Vcc of the soilmeter module, then upload D8_hack.ino/D8_PORTAL.ino on to the nodemcu.

** cut one end of a female-female dupont cable, then solder the sliced end to the D8 pin on the board, and plug the female connecter on the Vcc header of the plant sensor module **


  • async (except during actual read phase of the soil, which gets full priority);
  • more efficient http request
  • more responsive capacitive touch switch (stdby)
  • more power efficient
  • decreased corrosion
  • code clean-up

Get Started

Main code file is MAIN.ino (deprecated use D8_hack.ino/D8_PORTAL.ino)
The pcb states 3.3V, but it's 5V from the USB

1.) Solder/connect VIN ('Power +' pin on pcb) to LCD VCC on the I2C module.

2.) SDA and SCL wires need to be swapped around (SDA -> SCL and vice versa)

following step is for D8HACK.ino, see bottom for PORTAL.ino + index.h

3.) Enter your own SSID and PASSWORD in the "MAIN.ino" or "D8_hack.ino" file.

4.) upload the code

- Board NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E module)
- uploadspeed 115200 baud
  • hold flash on the NodeMcu if upload gives error
  • different boards might require ESP-12 library (0.9) and/or different baudrate (9600)

5.) Readings can be found on http://192.168.1.x/plant (where 'x' is the ip assigned by your network)

D8_PORTAL (important)

1.) Upload both 'D8_PORTAL.ino' and 'index.h' ( both in same folder) and re-plug the board.

2.) Connect through wifi on your phone to the esp8266 and use passwd 12345678.

3.) it should automatically ask for redirection to a captive webportal page.

4.) Click "Configure new AP" and choose your local network.

5.) You can find the page at root from http://192.168.1.x when connected to the local network.

6.) Change AP settings at http://192.168.1.x/_ac

7.) Data can be found at localip:port/data in 5 columns seperated by whitespace (air humidity, temperature, soil moisture level, display state, soil moisture treshold)