
vim-iced plugin to add support for multi session

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


vim-iced plugin

vim-iced plugin to add support for multi session.

vim-iced basically only supports connections to a single nREPL server. But if you use shadow-cljs, for example, to run backend and frontend nREPL server separately in the same project, you’ll need to launch 2 vim/nvim to connect them. It’s pain.

This plugin supports multiple nREPL connections from a single vim/nvim by allowing you to store and switch between multiple nREPL sessions.


Basically, only you should do is executing IcedConnect command as before.

vim-iced can select a REPL port to connect when Clojure project and ClojureScript project(e.g. shadow-cljs) REPLs are up. This plugin hooks the connection process, and manages multiple REPL connections.

This plugin primarily targets connecting to 2 REPLs: Clojure and ClojureScript projects. With g:iced_multi_session#does_switch_session option, this plugin automatically switches the connecting REPL when the connecting REPL is not matched to the file extension on current buffer.

If you’d like to connect to 3 or more REPLs or switch the REPL more strictly, g:iced_multi_session#definitions option is recommended.


This plugin provides following commands, and these are added to the command palette automatically.

Command Note


Create a new session.


Switch to the next session. If the current session is the last, switch to first one.


Display all session names.


Swith to the selected session.


Rename the current session name.


Option Default Note



If v:true, execute :IcedMultiSessionNext when expected session is different from the current file extension.



The prefix string for new session name.



Session definitions in current project.
This option should be defined with vim-localrc.

let g:iced_multi_session#definitions = [
    \ {'port_file': printf('%s/.nrepl-port', expand('<sfile>:p:h')),
    \  'path': 'src/',
    \  'name': 'web'},
    \ {'port_file': printf('%s/.shadow-cljs/nrepl.port', expand('<sfile>:p:h')),
    \  'path': 'src-cljs/',
    \  'name': 'cljs'},
    \ ]


Function Note


Returns a string which describe current session status. e.g. 'NREPL(shadow-cljs)'

This function can be used for showing session status on statusline. The following is a example configuration for lightline.vim.

let g:lightline = {
    \   'active': {
    \     'left': [ ... ],
    \     'right': [ ... ['iced_multi_session'], ... ]
    \   },
    \   'component_function': {
    \     'iced_multi_session': 'iced_multi_session#current',
    \   },
    \ }




Plug 'liquidz/vim-iced', {'for': 'clojure'}
Plug 'liquidz/vim-iced-multi-session', {'for': 'clojure'}

Execute :PlugInstall to install above plugins.


Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Masashi Iizuka

Distributed under the MIT License.